Washington, D.C., October 17, 2012 (LifeSiteNews) – Yesterday was the 96th anniversary of the founding of Planned Parenthood, the largest provider of abortions in the United States. To mark the occasion, a group called Protecting Black Life has released an interactive map that uses the latest census data to show how the abortion provider apparently targets minority neighborhoods with its abortion clinics.
According to the group’s research, 79% of all Planned Parenthood abortion facilities are located within walking distance of black or Hispanic neighborhoods, or both. The map offers more detailed information, showing Planned Parenthood clinics as red, blue, or split red/blue dots depending on the racial makeup of the neighborhoods it serves. When a clinic’s dot is clicked on, the map displays the census data for the area, with a zoomed-in map showing exactly where the minority neighborhoods are in relation to the clinic.
As of 2006, according to the Census Bureau, 50 out of 1,000 black women underwent abortions, compared to just 14 for white women and 22 for women of other races. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention reports that while black women make up only 13 percent of the total U.S. female population, they account for one-third of all abortions. Even a 2005 analysis by the by Planned Parenthood’s own Alan Guttmacher Institute revealed that black and Hispanic women have abortions at much higher rates than women of other races.
Accusations of racism from Planned Parenthood’s critics are nothing new. The abortion group’s foes have often pointed to Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger’s open involvement in the early 1900s’ eugenics movement as evidence of the group’s racist roots. The African American pro-life website BlackGenocide.com devotes an entire page to the topic.
What’s unique about Protecting Black Life’s map is the depth and immediacy of the information presented. Rather than depending on a handful of quotes or statistics that cover a population so large the numbers are difficult to grasp, the map breaks the facts down and illustrates them at nearly street level. Each dot represents a real abortion mill, where real lives are ended daily. Users will likely recognize the locations, and the neighborhoods shown on the maps.
See the map here.