MISSISSAUGA, ON, October 8, 2002 (LSN.ca) – In Mississauga, Ontario, just one of the hundreds of towns and cities to take part in last Sunday’s annual Life Chain, nearly 1000 people stood on the streets for an hour to pray for an end to abortion. The annual pro-life event which began in the United States in 1987 has spread the world over and media outlets from as far away as South Africa are running with stories on the pro-life demonstrations. The Mississauga gathering was one of the largest in Canada where the demonstrations are held in each major city and town. Reports on the gatherings continue to pour in to Campaign Life Coalition which is encouraged by the massive show of support for the unborn, and their mothers. See various media reports on the demonstrations: https://www.pittsburghlive.com/x/valleynewsdispatch/s_95463.html https://www.rrstar.com/localnews/your_community/rockford/20021007-16690.shtml https://www.wilmingtonstar.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?Site=WM&Date=20021007&Category=NEWS&ArtNo=210070313&Ref=AR https://www.thegazettenews.com/newspub/story.cfm?ID=5874 https://newsadvance.com/news/MGBFWF3QZ6D.html https://www.iol.co.za/index.php?click_id=125&art_id=ct20021007110340690A163223&set_id=1 https://morningjournalnews.zwire.com/site/news.cfm?newsid=5620188&BRD=2131&PAG=461&dept_id=363764&rfi=6
MISSISSAUGA, ON, October 8, 2002 (LSN.ca) – In Mississauga, Ontario, just one of the hundreds of towns and cities to take part in last Sunday’s annual Life Chain, nearly 1000 people stood on the streets for an hour to pray for an end to abortion. The annual pro-life event which began in the United States in 1987 has spread the world over and media outlets from as far away as South Africa are running with stories on the pro-life demonstrations. The Mississauga gathering was one of the largest in Canada where the demonstrations are held in each major city and […]