HUNGARY, Budapest, January 16, 2017 (LifeSiteNews) — The ruling Hungarian Civic Alliance party (Fidesz) has had enough of George Soros’ interference in its politics.
Government minister Janos Lazar announced last week that they intend to begin auditing all foreign organizations. Not surprisingly, among them will be George Soros’ network of charities and foundations.
Soros, a Hungarian-born U.S. billionaire financier and political activist, is known for his support of the Democratic Party, President Obama and the Clintons.
“Every Hungarian has a right to know who wants to influence them” from abroad, Lazar said, according to Bloomberg. The Hungarian Parliament agenda for 2017 shows that lawmakers will debate a bill to let authorities audit foreign non-governmental organizations (NGOs).
Soros has been involved in the “orchestrated refugee crisis,” revolutions around the world, the war on police, Black Lives Matter, Occupy Wall Street, globalism, and more. He uses a well-developed network of NGOs to advance his agenda all over the world.
The Soros Open Society Foundations (OSF) fund more than 60 Hungarian NGOs and have spent more than $1.6 billion in Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union in the past 30 years.
His specific financial and political involvement in Hungary may yet come to light. Lazar said Soros “has decided that he will be Viktor Orbán’s opponent and opposition in Hungarian politics.” He added, “I think people have the right to know which organization he’s doing this through.”
Orbán is the leader of the national and conservative Fidesz party. He has been Prime Minister of Hungary twice. Conservative on social issues, Orban belongs to the Calvinist Hungarian Reformed Church, but his wife is a Roman Catholic. They have five children.
Ironically, in 1989, Orbán received a scholarship from the Open Society Foundations to study political science at Pembroke College, Oxford, in England.
Orbán offered his views on Soros in an interview with Budapest Times.
“There are some who envision a world without borders: this is exactly the concept which George Soros and his civil society organizations seek to popularize.” He explained that this is at best well-intentioned and naive, and at worst part of an agenda to destroy traditional civilizations, ways of life, cultures and nations.
“I, however, am among those who do not want the world’s civilizational structure to change, and in particular I would not like to see a change in the culture of this piece of land we call Hungary,” Orbán concluded. “I love this country.”
Soros criticized Orbán's handling of the European immigrant crisis in 2015, writing, “His plan treats the protection of national borders as the objective and the refugees as an obstacle. Our plan treats the protection of refugees as the objective and national borders as the obstacle.”
Soros suggested each migrant receive $16,000 per year to help cover housing, healthcare, and education costs. He urged Europe to take in at least one million Muslims, but Hungary rejected the compulsory quotas for each country proposed by the European Union.
Orbán’s administration built a wire fence on the country’s border and tightened asylum laws. Hungary has since been attacked by the European Union’s leading politicians. Fidesz views uncontrolled immigration as security issue, a stance confirmed by terrorists attacks committed by immigrants who arrived during the refugee crisis.
Soros’ interference in other countries’ politics has encountered similar reactions to the Hungarian government’s. Many countries have passed laws cracking down on other organizations receiving large grants from abroad.
It might be easy to dismiss some of these moves — for instance in Uzbekistan or Russia — as the actions of undemocratic regimes. However, in Israel, lawmakers passed a bill in 2016 requiring foreign-funded NGOs to disclose its donors from abroad if such payments make up more than half of their funding.
Poland’s government would also like to see more transparency in NGOs’ operations, especially because of their link to political parties. Even the United States bans foreign funding to political parties. Nonetheless, foreign governments could use NGOs for such payments, and thus circumvent the law, as was the case with the Clinton Foundation.
Soros’ involvement in American politics is well documented. He has financed organizations whose names imply affiliation with the Catholic Church but whose politics contradict the Church’s teachings: Catholics for Choice, Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good, and Catholics United.
A few months ago, a document published by WikiLeaks showed that the OSF sought to persuade Catholic Church officials to advance left-wing ideas. During Pope Francis’ 2015 visit to the United States, Soros spent more than half a million dollars to promote population control, abortion, euthanasia, and homosexual “marriage.”
According to, Soros is also funding a three-year plan to eradicate pro-life laws around the world, a strategy for “women's rights.” In 2012, his foundation called on UN member governments to legalize prostitution and drug use, and criticized “conservative interpretations of religion.”
Soros’ values are directly at odds with those of Fidesz. In an interview with the Spanish TV channel Intereconomia, Orbán said Europe is a “continent based on Christian values,” adding in relation to massive Muslim migration, “When a crowd rushes into your house without declaring its intention, it is by definition an invasion.”