An abortion industry worker left her job at a Planned Parenthood facility – and eventually brought four of her colleagues out of the abortion industry with her – shortly after she witnessed a woman abort her quadruplets. Most of them were delivered stillborn as she sat on the toilet or stumbled through the hallway, writhing in pain.
Two of the “perfectly formed” boys had their arms “wrapped around each other,” according to an e-mail she sent pro-life advocate Abby Johnson.
Johnson, who heads And Then There Were None (ATTWN), an outreach to abortion industry employees, says the woman left Planned Parenthood the day she saw a woman having a medication abortion for all four children in her womb.
The email said that the woman came to Planned Parenthood “in obvious pain” after “another abortion facility down the road had given her a very heavy dose of misoprostol to abort her quadruplets. She was already into her second trimester.”
“We guided her into the bathroom, undressed her from the waist down, and instructed her to sit on the toilet,” she wrote.
Then the misoprostol kicked in.
“We were all horrified at the events that unfolded in the next few minutes.”
“The first baby fell into the toilet,” the unnamed woman wrote. As they got up to walk into the operating room, “the next two babies fell out and were hanging from her. The arms of the perfectly formed lifeless baby boys were wrapped around each other. ”
After she finally reached the operating room, “she was still in so much pain,” despite IV sedation. “The fourth baby had had to be suctioned out of her. He came out in pieces.”
Heartbroken by what she saw, she broke down in tears.
“I remember sobbing with a co-worker as we sorted through the remains of the fourth baby boy in the POC lab. We cradled the tiny intact babies in our arms and cried for them.”
“I knew that I could no longer do this work. I was done,” she resolved.
She quit her job that day and, shortly afterwards, helped four of her former colleagues leave the industry, as well.
Johnson said this woman's story illustrates “the necessity of healing retreats for former abortion industry workers.” She asked supporters of ATTWN for help for the workers, including prayer and financial sponsorship. Ten former abortion industry workers will be participating in a healing retreat from September 19 to 21, Johnson said.
In all, Johnson says 121 workers have left the abortion industry thanks to the efforts of ATTWN.
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The woman's email read in full:
A woman came into our clinic one afternoon, in obvious pain. Another abortion facility down the road had given her a very heavy dose of Misoprostol to abort her quadruplets. She was already into her second trimester.
We guided her into the bathroom, undressed her from the waist down, and instructed her to sit on the toilet. We were all horrified at the events that unfolded in the next few minutes. The first baby fell into the toilet. The nurse grabbed a chux pad and held it to her bottom as we hurried her to the procedure room. It was then that the next two babies fell out and were hanging from her. The arms of the perfectly formed lifeless baby boys were wrapped around each other.
We were finally able to get her to the procedure room we started IV sedation, but she was still in so much pain. The fourth baby had had to be suctioned out of her. He came out in pieces.
I remember sobbing with a co-worker as we sorted through the remains of the fourth baby boy in the POC lab. We cradled the tiny intact babies in our arms and cried for them. I knew that I could no longer do this work. I was done.
Dustin Siggins contributed to this piece.