Help Brazilian pro-life hero raise his 42 disabled, adopted children: LifeFunder
(LifeSiteNews) — On this week’s episode of The Bishop Strickland Show, Bishop Joseph Strickland speaks about the sacredness of all human life and the German Catholic bishops seeking to “change” Church teaching on homosexuality.
“I think it was Mother Teresa, I forget exactly the quote, but she basically said when you disregard one human life, then all are up for grabs,” he says. “Nobody is safe. If we say life in the womb isn’t sacred, and then many states and many politicians are already saying, ‘Well, if mom doesn’t want the newborn, just let it die on the table.’ And then, OK, I guess the next law is a child up to two, three years old can just be extinguished because the parents might change their mind … Where does it stop? The reality is it doesn’t.”
“When you disregard the the value of human life in the sanctity of human life, then ultimately in that sort of chaotic world, how can we tell a gunman that he has no right to eliminate these people? We’re eliminating people,” Bishop Strickland adds.
Watch this week’s episode by scrolling up to the video above by clicking here.
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Help Brazilian pro-life hero raise his 42 disabled, adopted children: LifeFunder