Twenty million.
That’s how many people have visited LifeSiteNews so far this year. According to, the top web-ranking service, that means our readers have made LifeSite the #1 most-read pro-life website…on the planet!
I know that might sound like boasting. But I can assure you, it’s not!
On the contrary, I’m filled with humble amazement, as well as deep gratitude for the thousands of supporters like you who have enabled us to reach so many people with the truth about abortion, marriage, faith, and family.
Indeed, when myself and co-founder Steve Jalsevac founded LifeSite way back in 1997, we never, ever dreamed that 18 years later our tiny pro-life website would have grown into an international news agency employing dozens of staff, operating in numerous countries around the world, and reaching tens of millions of people every single year.
Now, with just one week left in our summer 2015 fundraising campaign, and only 20% of the way towards our minimum goal, I must humbly ask for your support one more time.
Please don't delay! Make the most generous donation you can to help us reach our goal!

As I travel around, I am often overwhelmed by the many LifeSite readers who spontaneously come up to me, introduce themselves, and then share their stories of how our news service has touched their lives.
In so many ways this is your story – the story, as Mother Teresa said about pro-life workers, of “ordinary people doing extraordinary work for God.”
Some tell me that LifeSite’s reporting precipitated a personal conversion from the “other side.” Others speak of how we inspired them to get more deeply involved and active in the pro-life movement. Others still tell me that they can’t go a single day without reading our daily news email!
However, even many of our most dedicated readers almost always express grateful surprise when I tell them just how many people visit our website every day, and how many people work full-time for our organization.
Most people just can’t believe that a website dedicated solely to reporting on the politically-incorrect pro-life and pro-family issues can be so popular, and so influential!
I know that all the fundraising gurus say that donors aren’t interested in statistics. “Tell stories about your impact!” they tell non-profits that are trying to fundraise.
And yet, I can’t help but feel that the exponential growth of LifeSite against all the odds isn’t just a boring statistic – it is a story:
It’s an amazing David vs. Goliath story: a story of survival against all the odds, a story of the “little guys”, the everyday readers like you, who have repeatedly come to our rescue in the 11th hour, when it appeared like we could not find the resources to keep our doors open another day.
It’s a story of the untold millions of readers that have been forced to think twice about the humanity of the unborn after reading one of our many powerful pro-life testimonies; or of babies that have been saved after their mothers or fathers stumbled upon the stories of pro-life heroism that we routinely publish, and changed their minds about abortion.
It’s an amazing story of LifeSite staff members with families who have given up comfortable and lucrative careers in the public sector, to instead use their talents to fight for traditional values and freedom.
In so many ways this is your story – the story, as Mother Teresa said about pro-life workers, of “ordinary people doing extraordinary work for God.”
I hope you will help us continue telling this story with a donation to our Summer Campaign today!

When, at the end of the day, I look at the data, and realize that so many tens of thousands of people have visited LifeSite in the past 24 hours, I like to imagine how each of those visitors has a story: and I wonder what each of those visitors took away with them.
I pray that they took away just a little piece of what LifeSite exists to promote: the joy, the peace, the goodness, the trueness, of the Culture of Life and Family!
Today, I want to assure all of our supporters that your support, no matter how large or small, has truly made a difference. I want you to know that the only reason we have been able to reach over 850% more people with our truth journalism in the past six years, is because of you!
And finally, I must ask for your help once more, so that LifeSite can continue to create these untold stories: that we can continue to shine as a beacon for life and family in the often confused and dark world of the media and the Internet.
With just 7 days left in our summer fundraising campaign, we still have over $160,000 to raise to reach our goal.
Please, help us reach that goal today with a donation.
Click here to make a donation on our secure donation page.
You can also donate by phone or mail.
Thank you again for your support, and may God bless you.