I’m going to be honest. I’m a little burnt out right now.
Just yesterday, I flew back to my home in Canada after three days of intensive planning for the upcoming year at our U.S. office in Virginia. And that was just a few days after LifeSite co-founder Steve Jalsevac and I also returned from a two-day trip for a meeting in Las Vegas. Two weeks ago Steve and I were in Rome for 7 days to meet with numerous cardinals, bishops, curial officials and international pro-life activists.
And before Rome I was in Croatia, where I filmed an interview with the country’s passionately pro-life former First Lady. I spent two weeks in New Zealand before that, traveling around the country delivering numerous speeches (sometimes multiple talks per day) on various topics, including to many high schools, where I addressed the fraught topic of pornography addiction.
And that’s just since October!
But though I – and my family! – are exhausted, I’m also unbelievably grateful…and excited! 20 years ago, Steve and I never for a moment dreamed that one day tens of millions of people would be reading our pro-life and pro-family news.
Right now at LifeSite, we’re in the middle of developing some incredibly ambitious plans that we believe will enable us to reach millions more people with the truth about abortion, marriage, faith, and freedom in the new year! But we urgently need your help to make these plans a reality.
You can also donate by phone or mail.
So far we have raised $45,000 of our $300,000 Christmas campaign goal. If you believe in LifeSite’s mission to create a Culture of Life and Family through the power of the media, please, donate to our Christmas campaign today! (Click here to donate)
As a father of a homeschooling family of 8 children, sometimes I wonder if I shouldn’t get better at saying “no” to the many requests I receive from around the world to speak, or to report on crucial pro-life and pro-family events. It’s a constant process of prayerful discernment with my devoted and long-enduring wife to know when to say yes, and when to say no.
But every day it’s getting harder to say no, because every day there is a growing sense of urgency – a powerful sense that time is growing short.
Do you feel it?
Do you share this intuition that the battle between the Culture of Life and the Culture of Death is heating up, that it’s rapidly heading for some kind of climax, or turning point?
I’m far from the only one who has this sense. I heard about it from the faithful Cardinals and bishops that I spoke with in Rome – who expressed to me their dismay that some even within the Church are actively working to undermine Her prophetic mission, openly compromising with the spirit of the age on the very area where the battle is fiercest right now: marriage and the family.
I hear about it from ordinary moms and dads who are making great sacrifices to raise their children as believers, but who tell me of their dismay that every other loud voice in the culture – from the media, to the schools, to the entertainers, to the politicians – are actively seeking to undo everything they’re teaching their children, enticing them to embrace radical and destructive anti-life and anti-family ideologies.
I hear it from the ordinary pro-life and pro-family activists who are fearful of the growing spirit of persecution – who increasingly find that the mere act of openly believing what Christians have always believed about issues like abortion and marriage is enough to make them social pariahs, fair game for public scorn, and even targets of lawsuits or career-related reprisals.
But though the times are dire, and confusion on fundamental moral issues is rampant, I am often encouraged to find a powerful and growing thirst for the TRUTH out there!
Help us bring the Truth this Christmas with a donation to our Christmas campaign!
You can also donate by phone or mail.
I saw that thirst for truth in the eyes of the countless teens I spoke to in New Zealand who came up to me afterwards to unburden to me their struggles with porn addiction, expressing regret that no one had warned them sooner to avoid the dark path down which they had already trodden.
And I saw it in the astonishment of those students who who told me that they had never before heard the TRUTH about Christ’s and His Church’s message of LOVE on issues like homosexuality, abortion, and pornography – and instead had unthinkingly accepted the media’s smearing of that truth as mere “hatred” and “bigotry” and “homophobia.”
I witness this thirst regularly in our growing army of supporters, many of whom leave us notes when they donate telling us about how LifeSite has opened their eyes to the beauty and goodness of the Culture of Life and family, sometimes leading to dramatic conversions of heart!
At LifeSiteNews we aspire to nothing less than to give the mainstream media a run for their money – to fight back against the anti-life and anti-family juggernaut by reaching more and more people with the message of the Gospel of Life and Family!
To accomplish this we rely entirely on God’s grace, Divine Providence…and your faithful support. (Click here to donate)
Truly there is no other news agency doing what LifeSite is doing – proclaiming the message of the Gospel of Life and Family to our ever-growing audience of tens of millions of readers…without compromise! Our goal is always to provide the global “big picture” perspective – showing how all of the attacks on life and family worldwide are related, and drawing people back to truth by resolutely explaining the goodness of traditional life and family values.
If that’s a mission that you support, please, donate to our Christmas campaign today.