
AQUINAS COLLEGE (Grand Rapids, MI): Civil rights activist Roger Wilkins will give the commencement address on May 10.  Wilkins is a public advocate of abortion rights.  In 1989, Wilkins joined 12 other civil rights leaders assembled by the Planned Parenthood Federation of America to chastise pro-life activists for using nonviolent forms of civil disobedience to demonstrate outside abortion clinics.  Wilkins signed a statement claiming a “constitutional right to freedom of choice” and “access to contraception and the development of new contraceptive methods.” In 1992, Wilkins served on NARAL’s National Commission on America Without Roe and participated in a
Washington, D.C. press conference presenting the commission’s report.  The commission recommended “goals and strategies for protecting reproductive choice in a nation without Roe [v. Wade]” and opposed even minor restrictions on abortion such as 24- or 48-hour waiting periods.

President: Dr. Harry J. Knopke.  E-mail: [email protected] .  Phone: (615) 297-7545.  Address: 1607 Robinson Rd. S.E., Grand Rapids, MI 49506.

BELLARMINE UNIVERSITY (Louisville, KY): Louisville business leaders Owsley
and Christy Brown will receive honorary degrees on May 10.  Advocates of abortion rights, just last month the Browns hosted a $500-a-plate fundraiser at their home to benefit One Voice for Choice, a coalition to mobilize abortion-rights activists nationwide.  The fundraiser was held following a Louisville rally featuring pro-abortion leaders Sarah Weddington, Rep. Connie Morella (D-MD) and Frances Kissling of the misnamed Catholics for a Free Choice.

President: Dr. Joseph J. McGowan.  E-mail: [email protected] . Phone:
(502) 452-8000.  Address: 2001 Newburg Rd., Louisville, KY 40205.

BOSTON COLLEGE LAW SCHOOL (Boston, MA): Supreme Court Associate Justice
Stephen Breyer will give the commencement address on May 23.  Breyer has defended and upheld the Roe v. Wade decision legalizing abortion and finding a “privacy right” to abortion.  In 2000, Breyer authored the majority opinion in Stenberg v. Carhart, striking down a Nebraska ban on “partial-birth abortion” as unconstitutional because it created an “undue burden” on women seeking abortions.  “All those who perform abortion procedures using that method must fear prosecution,” Breyer wrote.  “The result is an undue burden upon a woman’s right to make an abortion decision.”

President: Rev. William Leahy, S.J.  E-Mail: [email protected] . Phone:
(617) 552-3250.  Address: 18 Old Colony Rd., Chestnut Hill, MA 02467.

COLLEGE MISERICORDIA (Dallas, PA): Journalists Cokie and Steven Roberts will give the commencement address on May 17.  Although Cokie has written in the couple’s syndicated column that she “tends to favor pro-life arguments,” her husband Steve, “who is Jewish, is more sympathetic to the pro-choice side”  (May 25, 1997).  Steve’s writings portray both pro-life and radical feminist activists as extreme, whereas the “middle” or “moderate” position agrees “that a woman has a right to choose abortion, but the right is not unlimited” (U.S. News & World Report, April 12, 1993).  The Roberts’ joint column also has repeatedly echoed Steve’s call for “moderation” on the abortion issue, endorsing restrictions on abortion but espousing abortion rights.  The Roberts have labeled those who respect the dignity of all human life as extremists, while labeling individuals like Christine Todd Whitman-who vetoed a ban on partial-birth abortion-as moderates.

President: Dr. Michael A. MacDowell.  E-mail: [email protected] .
Phone: (570) 674-6215.  Address: 301 Lake St., Dallas, PA 18612.

COLLEGE OF SAINT JOSEPH (Rutland, VT): Vermont Gov. James Douglas will give
the commencement address on May 11.  Although Douglas has supported abortion restrictions including parental notification, he campaigned on a “pro-choice” platform and has publicly endorsed abortion rights.

President: Dr. Frank G. Miglorie.  E-mail: [email protected] .  Phone: (802) 773-5900, ext. 3236.  Address: 71 Clement Rd., Rutland, VT 05701.

COLLEGE OF SAINT ROSE (Albany, NY): New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg
will give the commencement address and receive an honorary degree on May 10. An avowed advocate of abortion rights and contraception, Bloomberg was given the Champion of Choice Award this year by the New York chapter of NARAL. Last month Bloomberg signed a bill making free “morning-after pills” available in city health facilities.  He has also ordered New York City’s public hospitals to make abortion training mandatory for ob-gyn residents.

The College of Saint Rose also will honor folk singer Pete Seeger on May 10. Seeger has been a prominent participant in abortion-rights demonstrations. These include performing at a 1989 rally of 150,000 pro-abortion activists in Washington, D.C., a 1994 “call-in” to federal lawmakers to demand that health care reform include abortion services and contraception, and a 1998 full-page newspaper advertisement protesting a hospital merger that would have forced two secular hospitals to adopt the pro-life guidelines of a
Catholic hospital.

President: Dr. R. Mark Sullivan.  Phone: (518) 454-5121.  Address: 432 Western Ave., Albany, NY 12203.

COLLEGE OF THE HOLY CROSS (Worcester, MA): Christopher Matthews, political
commentator and host of MSNBC’s “Hardball,” will give the commencement address and receive an honorary degree on May 23.  Matthews has publicly advocated abortion rights during his television appearances and in newspaper columns.  While claiming to dislike abortion, he has declared himself “pro-choice,” opposed attempts to criminalize abortion and endorsed “keeping abortion constitutionally protected,” and expressed sympathy for supporters of partial-birth abortion in cases of severely handicapped babies.  Holy Cross president Rev. Michael McFarland has falsely claimed that Matthews’ views are “allowable in Catholic thought.” (Matthews will also speak at the University of Scranton, see below.)

President: Rev. Michael McFarland, S.J.  E-mail: [email protected] .
Phone: (508) 793-2011.  Address: 1 College St., Worcester, MA 01610.

ELMS COLLEGE (Chicopee, MA): Theologian Diana Hayes will give the commencement address and receive an honorary degree on May 25.  Hayes has been a vocal opponent of male-only ordination to the priesthood, which Pope John Paul II has declared a settled issue for the Church.  She has advocated a “transformed church” that is nonhierarchical, non-authoritarian and without ordained priests.  Hayes has argued for a feminist Christology; in 1995 she asked, “If the maleness of Jesus is critical to his being, how can women be saved by a male God, and why would they want to be?”

President: Dr. Joachim Froehlich.  E-mail: [email protected] (c/o Secretary).  Phone: (413) 594-2761.  Address: 291 Springfield St., Chicopee, MA 01013.

LE MOYNE COLLEGE (Syracuse, NY): Activist Kerry Kennedy Cuomo will give the
commencement address and receive an honorary degree on May 18.  As the daughter-in-law of former New York Gov. Mario Cuomo, Kerry Kennedy Cuomo actively campaigned for him on an abortion-rights platform.  In 1994, she joined other women in high-profile events to ridicule then-state Sen. George Pataki-himself an advocate of abortion rights-as soft on the issue because he had voted in favor of abortion restrictions.  A few weeks before the 1994 gubernatorial election, Kerry Kennedy Cuomo held her own news conference to declare Pataki a “liar” and denounce his prior votes against Medicaid funding for abortions and in support of parental notification for girls under 16.  Since then, Cuomo has also been a public advocate of special homosexual rights.

President: Rev. Charles J. Beirne, S.J.  E-mail: [email protected] . Phone: (315) 445-4120.  Address: 1419 Salt Springs Rd., Syracuse, NY 13214.

MOUNT SAINT MARY COLLEGE (Los Angeles, CA): U.S. Congresswomen Linda Sanchez (D-CA) and Loretta Sanchez (D-CA) will give the commencement address on May 10.  Rep. Loretta Sanchez received a 100 percent rating from NARAL in 2002 for her votes against a partial-birth abortion ban and to preserve or expand access to abortion.  She sponsored an amendment to the Department of Defense Authorization Act intended to force overseas military hospitals to perform abortions.  Rep. Linda Sanchez is newly elected to Congress, but she campaigned on a pro-abortion platform backed by the National Organization for Women.  She identified abortion as one of her leading concerns in a February interview with Women’s E-News (, expressing concern about the “subtle but pernicious erosion of Roe v. Wade.”

President: Dr. Jacqueline Powers Doud.  E-mail: [email protected] . Phone:
(310) 954-4011.  Address: 12001 Chalon Rd., Los Angeles, CA 90049.

NIAGARA UNIVERSITY (Niagara University, NY): Former Massachusetts Gov. Paul
Cellucci will give the commencement address on May 17.  Cellucci is a public advocate of abortion rights and homosexual rights.  It was his extreme views that prompted Cardinal Bernard Law of Boston to prevent him from speaking at an archdiocesan high school several years ago.  It was also the reason Cellucci’s nomination to serve as ambassador to Canada almost stalled in the U.S. Senate in 2001.

Quoting from the Family Research Council which opposed Cellucci’s selection as ambassador: “In Massachusetts, Gov. Cellucci introduced legislation to dispense with parental consent for minor children as young as 16 to have an abortion.  Also, of his three appointments to the Massachusetts Supreme Court, one previously served as an attorney for Planned Parenthood, and the other, the current chief justice, previously served on the board of directors for an abortion clinic..  The governor has demonstrated a long-term pattern of support for organizations whose avowed purpose is to indoctrinate children through the public schools into an acceptance of homosexuality and sexual promiscuity as ‘normal’ and the moral equivalent of heterosexual monogamous marriage.  As acting governor in August 1997, Mr. Cellucci increased funding for the Commission on Gay and Lesbian Youth from $250,000 to $1.5 million annually.  No other state publicly funds such pro-homosexual activism.  The Commission works closely with and partially funds the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network (GLSEN) which promotes homosexuality in the public schools.  In fact, as evidenced by the now infamous ‘GLSENgate’ conference of March 25, 2000, GLSEN actively promotes among children instruction in grossly immoral and potentially lethal sexual acts.  GLSEN is a major opponent of traditional pro- family values nationwide and a chief propagandist for the mainstreaming of homosexuality among the nation’s children.”

President: Rev. Joseph L. Levesque, C.M.  E-mail: [email protected] .  Phone:
(716) 286-8350.  Address: P.O. Box 2015, Niagara University, NY 14109-2015.

NOTRE DAME COLLEGE (South Euclid, OH): Cleveland Mayor Jane Campbell will
give the commencement address on May 10.  During her previous term as an Ohio state legislator, Campbell was described as “one of the legislature’s most vocal abortion rights advocates” by the liberal National Public Radio. Campbell advocated keeping abortion legal until a baby is viable outside the womb.

President: Dr. Anne L. Deming.  Phone: (216) 373-5200.  Address: 4545 College Rd., South Euclid, OH 44121.

QUINCY UNIVERSITY (Quincy, IL): Radio personality and commentator Paul Harvey will give the commencement address on May 18.  Harvey has been a public advocate of abortion rights: “I think that that choice should be left to a woman and her God and her doctor. and the government ought to stay out of it altogether.  It’s none of our business” (Washington Post, July 7, 1995).

President: Rev. Mario DiCicco, O.F.M.  E-mail: [email protected] .  Phone:
(217) 228-5270.  Address: 1800 College, Quincy, IL 62301.

SAINT LOUIS UNIVERSITY (St. Louis, MO): St. Louis Post-Dispatch columnist Bill McClellan will give the commencement address on May 17.  McClellan was a last-minute selection after the university uninvited American Airlines CEO Donald Carty, who resigned his job last month amid concerns that he had granted large bonuses to executives of the beleaguered airline.  McClellan has publicly written of his “pro-choice” views and his support for embryonic stem cell research, expressed sympathy for opponents of a ban on partial-birth abortion, and ridiculed the Missouri Catholic Conference for advocating a law that would mandate counseling for women before aborting their babies.  He has accused the Catholic Church of contributing to violence against abortionists and issuing “almost half-hearted” denouncements when violence occurs.

President: Rev. Lawrence Biondi, S.J.  E-mail: [email protected] .  Phone:
(314) 977-7777.  Address: 221 North Grand Blvd., Saint Louis, MO 63103.

SAINT PETER’S COLLEGE (Jersey City, NJ): New Jersey Superior Court Judge Reginald Stanton will give the commencement address on May 18.  Stanton has reached far beyond his judicial obligations to publicly advocate abortion rights and assisted suicide by starvation.  In 1991, he read a 15-page statement from the bench arguing that it would be “most unwise” and “unjust and morally wrong” to make abortion a crime.  In 1986, Stanton forced a Catholic hospital to starve a woman to death according to her wishes.  He called the hospital’s policy against assisted suicide “coercive,” arguing
that “dying people must be treated with dignity, including the right to choose one’s own treatment.”

President: Rev. James N. Loughran, S.J.  E-mail: [email protected] .
Phone: (201) 915-2000.  Address: 2641 Kennedy Blvd., Jersey City, NJ 07306.

UNIVERSITY OF SCRANTON (Scranton, PA): Christopher Matthews, political commentator and host of MSNBC’s “Hardball,” will give the commencement address and receive an honorary degree on May 25.  Matthews has publicly advocated abortion rights during his television appearances and in newspaper columns.  While claiming to dislike abortion, he has declared himself “pro-choice,” opposed attempts to criminalize abortion and endorsed “keeping abortion constitutionally protected,” and expressed sympathy for supporters of partial-birth abortion in cases of severely handicapped babies.
(Matthews will also speak at the College of the Holy Cross, see above.)

President: Rev. Joseph M. McShane, S.J.  E-mail: [email protected]
Phone: (570) 941-7500.  Address: Scranton, PA 18510.