Persistent lobbying efforts by pro-abortion organizations have led to proposed legislation to amend India’s Medical Termination of Pregnancy Act (MTP), originally enacted in 1971. If passed, the law will allow abortion up to 24 weeks gestation and grant midwives and homeopaths the right to perform abortions.
HLI-Goa and other pro-life advocates have vehemently protested India’s Ministry of Health and Family Welfare’s proposed bill. Milagres Pereira, director of Human Life International’s affiliate in Goa, India, cites serious threats to the sanctity of life and family in the proposed amendments.
“Children are a resource of every nation; abortion poses a threat to the future of the nation,” said Mr. Pereira. “Therefore, no legislation should be introduced or accepted that limits or destroys India’s future citizens.
He continued: “A child is a child from conception, no matter at what stage of development he/she happens to be, so such provisions are unacceptable, as they all lead the the destruction of an innocent human being.
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“Not only this, but this bill permits unqualified medical personnel to perform procedures on pregnant women, posing a grave threat to women and their pre-born babies,” added Mr. Pereira. “How can this be good for women’s health? This bill implies that pregnancy is a disease that should be avoided, which is an unconscionable rejection of human life. Women who seek abortions after contraceptive failure, to prevent birth defects, as a solution to rape, or because they wanted a boy instead of a girl should know that there is another innocent human being on the other side of this ‘choice.”
Mr. Pereira instead suggests that communities organize to support women and help find solutions that embrace life. Society benefits when governments adopt a pro-life stance that supports healthy marriage and families.
“Abortion is not a human right,” he continued. “Every measure should be taken to ensure the most basic and universal human right, the right to life. We must educate our citizens to respect all human life as sacred. This is the greatest service we can perform for our nation.”
Reprinted with permission from Human Life International.