By Hilary White
NEW DEHLI, August 9, 2006 ( – The high court of India ruled on Friday that police do not have to have a court order to arrest Christian ministers accused of encouraging religious conversions.
The Times of India reports that the court ruled that police do not need a prior sanction from a court or any other authority before issuing a FIR (First Information Report) and arresting clergy members or anyone accused of attempting to gain converts to their faith.
The ruling follows the recent statements from high-level Catholic prelates, including Pope Benedict XVI that India seems to be moving more and more towards a condition of “religious intolerance.” Anti-proselytism laws, said the pope, are against the spirit of the Indian Constitution.
A recently enacted law in the state of Madhya Pradesh, for example, says that potential converts must register with a district magistrate one month prior to the official date of conversion. Religious officials must inform the authorities and provide the would-be convert’s name, address and expected date of conversion.
The Supreme Court’s ruling makes it more likely that Christian ministers can be openly harassed by police at the behest of Hindu extremist groups. A recent case of this saw two sisters of Mother Theresa’s Missionaries of Charity arrested and terroroized for visiting and assisting patients in hospital.
India’s Top Cardinal Speaks out Against New Anti-Conversion Law
Indian Supreme Court Bolsters Anti-Proselytism Rules
By Hilary White  NEW DEHLI, August 9, 2006 ( – The high court of India ruled on Friday that police do not have to have a court order to arrest Christian ministers accused of encouraging religious conversions.  The Times of India reports that the court ruled that police do not need a prior sanction from a court or any other authority before issuing a FIR (First Information Report) and arresting clergy members or anyone accused of attempting to gain converts to their faith. The ruling follows the recent statements from high-level Catholic prelates, including Pope Benedict XVI that […]