Interview with Brazil’s “most discriminated against and persecuted” Pro-Life Activist
By Steve Jalsevac and Matthew Cullinan Hoffman
SAO PAULO, August 28, 2007 ( –’s Matthew Cullinan Hoffman recently had the opportunity to extensively interview Julio Severo, to ask him about the situation in Brazil, and the challenges he faces as a pro-life and pro-family activist increasingly under fire by anti-life forces in his country.
Severo was recently described by the Brazilian philosopher and political commentator Olavo de Carvalho as “the most discriminated against and persecuted of Brazilians”. Involved in the pro-life and pro-family movement in Brazil since 1987, Severo has written the definitive work on gay activism in the country and more recently has written a pro-life prayer book.
Severo’s work has been mentioned in the Brazilian National Congress, as well as major national magazines, including Show da Fe, Eclesia, and Enfoque Gospel. He is a theological consultant and correspondent for the Christian Research Institute in Brazil. He is also a leader in the homeschooling movement in that country, which operates underground due to government persecution.
Through his blog,, Severo writes critiques of the pro-abortion and pro-homosexual movements, as well as the administration of Luiz Lula, the current president of Brazil, who favors both movements. The blog, which is read and published widely in Brazil, recently came under attack from homosexual activists, who convinced Google to block it for several days. After receiving numerous protests, including articles written by Olavo de Carvalho and others in major Brazilian newspapers, Google restored the site (see LifeSiteNews coverage at
In the interview Severo provides a fascinating history of his far-sighted and courageous efforts to warm Brazilians about foreign attempts to bring both full abortion access and acceptance of homosexuality to his strongly pro-life and pro-family nation.
He began by spearheading a successful effort to close an illegal abortion clinic and by protesting at the US embassy over its abortion on demand situation. Soon after, UN and US based forces, together with Brazil’s very liberal media successfully campaigned to expand abortion rights in Brazil. It was unthinkable during Severo’s early protests at the US embassy that many Brazilians would themselves soon begin to be subject to and believe abortion propaganda.
In 1995 Severo began writing his book, “The Homosexual Movement“, which, when published in 1998, was perceived by Brazilians as being unnecessary and alarmist. As it has turned out, Severo tells LifeSiteNews, “Now, my book is very outdated, because the Brazilian gay movement ran ahead of all the warnings of my book!”
Brazil’s prominent pro-life, pro-family activist also exposes the duplicity of President Luiz Lula who, prior to his election, emphasized he was a God-fearing man who respected family values. Since Lula’s election, reveals Severo, “abortion and homosexual ‘rights’ are advancing in a fast pace”.
For his dedicated efforts Severo has been repeatedly threatened by abortion and homosexual activists. He has nevertheless continued his efforts for the protection of life and family, with a special emphasis on prayer. His hopes for the growth of what is still only a small pro-life movement in Brazil are greater now that Brazil’s evangelicals are becoming involved.
See Interviews Brazil’s Pro-Life Evangelist Julio Severo – Part 1