By Thaddeus M. Baklinski
November 15, 2010 ( – Pro-life groups in two of the states where late-term abortionist Leroy Carhart has announced plans to open new abortion facilities are determined to block Carhart’s expansion efforts.
Carhart was forced to close his late-term abortion business in Bellvue, Nebraska after that state passed Legislative Bill 1103, a law that prohibits elective abortions after 20 weeks gestation on the basis that science definitively shows an unborn child feels pain at that age.
Last week, Carhart announced he plans to have three new abortion facilities up and running by January, with one in the Maryland-D.C. area, and another in Council Bluffs, Iowa, both offering late-term abortions. He is also acquiring an Indianapolis abortion clinic, which specializes only in early-term abortions.
Carhart, one of a few late-term abortionists in the U.S., told the Des Moines Register there is “certainly a need” for his specialty and noted that the locations of the new facilities “are where the laws are favorable for us to do the practice that I need to do.”
Iowa law allows abortion after the second trimester if a doctor determines the grisly procedure is necessary to “preserve the life or health” of the woman.
“Obviously, Carhart sees that as a big loophole or he wouldn't be planning to come here,” said Jenifer Bowen, executive director of Iowa Right to Life.
Vowing to fight Carhart's plan, Bowen said, “I can say with confidence that the majority of Iowans do not want ours to be seen as a safe haven state for a late-term abortionist. Our growing pro-life coalition of more than five dozen state and national organizations and individuals will continue to strengthen in unity. Such a clear message will be sent to LeRoy Carhart in the coming weeks, both from the groundswell of pro-lifers and our pro-life legislators set to head into session in January, that this will become the last place Carhart will want to move.”
Maggie DeWitte, executive director of Iowans for Life, added that with the surge of pro-life politicians recently elected in the state, “We have a real opportunity this session, as opposed to past years.”
Maryland Right to Life executive director Angela Martin said her group is concerned that the lack of regulation may make Maryland a haven for late-term abortion and that Carhart's plan to open his abortuary will add to the state's already high abortion rate.
Martin stated in a press release that Maryland has one of the most permissive abortion laws in the U.S., and has the third highest abortion rate of the 50 states.
“It has never banned partial-birth abortion and is one of just 16 states to have no meaningful parental involvement statute for minors seeking abortions,” Martin said.
“Maryland is one of only five states that voluntarily pays for elective abortions with state Medicaid funds, one of just four states that does not collect any data on abortions, and the only state in the country to give civil immunity to abortionists who fail to obtain proper informed consent.”
“We commend Nebraska for taking a stand against late-term abortion, which endangers women’s health and causes unborn babies unimaginable pain,” said Martin. “By failing to hold abortion facilities and providers to even minimum standards of medical care, Maryland has become a haven for purveyors of this grisly and inhuman procedure.”
See previous LSN coverage:
Leroy Carhart Forced to Move Late-Term Abortion Business out of Nebraska