
FRONT ROYAL, March 20, 2003 ( – Population expert Steven Mosher offers a unique pro-life angle on the anti-terrorist war now underway in Iraq. In his March 18 Weekly Briefing from the Population Research Institute, Mosher says Saddam Hussein’s defeat will open the door for the pro-abortion, pro-condom United States Agency for International Development (USAID). Mosher says the agency is “better at promoting population control and radical feminism than in building free market democracies abroad.” He cites the precedents in Albania and Pakistan as a portent of post-war Iraq.  Mosher predicts USAID will “inaugurate programs which will subject Iraqi children, especially girls, to graphic sex education programs. They will stock Iraqi medical clinics with condoms and contraceptives. They will further insist that family planning (population control) programs be in place, warning that the penalty for noncompliance will be a denial of additional aid…” They will fund “radical feminist organizations that lobby for, among other things, the legalization of abortion.”  Mosher predicts a backlash. “Iraqis will undoubtedly react with alarm to these assaults on life and family. The million or so Christians in Iraq (which we rarely hear about) will be as unhappy about this turn of events as their Muslim neighbors. Worse, he says, “fundamentalist Mullahs, disgusted by the hedonistic lifestyle of Hollywood and the secular materialism of Manhattan,” leading to a radical Islamic revolution.  To visit the homepage of the Population Research Institute and view Mosher’s predictions in full: