IRELAND, February 2, 2018 (LifeSiteNews) – Earlier this week, the Irish government officially approved putting the country’s pro-life constitutional amendment to a vote at the end of May.
Ireland’s Eighth Amendment protects the right to life of pre-born babies and their mothers. This pro-life law, unique for a first-world country, has long been the target of pro-abortion organizations like Amnesty International and George Soros’ Open Society Foundation. The Eighth Amendment saves at least 5,000 lives a year.
Laws save lives. It’s amazing to see which of these laws saves most.
— LoveBoth Project (@loveboth8) February 1, 2018
If the Irish vote to repeal the Eighth Amendment, Parliament will most likely introduce legislation allowing abortion through 12 weeks of pregnancy for healthy babies and later throughout pregnancy for babies with disabilities or who were conceived in rape or incest.
Dr. Ruth Cullen, a spokeswoman for Ireland’s Pro-Life Campaign, said it is “a very sad and serious moment for our country.”
Repealing the Eighth Amendment “would withdraw basic human rights from a group of vulnerable defenseless individuals instead of strengthening their constitutional protections,” she said.
Ireland’s openly homosexual Prime Minister Leo Varadkar said he’ll support overturning the pro-life law.
“I don’t believe the Constitution is the place for making absolute statements about medical, moral and legal issues,” he said.
“We already have abortion – unsafe, unregulated, unlawful,” said Varadkar. “We cannot continue to export our problem and import our solution.”
‘Dark day for our republic’
Varadkar's position on abortion has evolved.
“Four years ago, Leo Varadkar said that he was ‘pro-life in that I accept that the unborn child is a human life with rights,’” recalled Niamh Ui Bhrian of the Save the 8th Campaign. Now, “he is campaigning to remove those rights from the constitution, and to eliminate the right to life up to 12 weeks. If he has come this far in four years, where will he be four years from now?”
“This is an extreme proposal that places the rights of the unborn in the hands of fickle and poll-driven politicians,” said Bhrian. “The public are not voting for an abortion law just for 2018, but for 2028, 2038, and beyond. If this proposal is passed, we will never be given a say over the rights of the unborn again, because politicians will have nobody to answer to except an avowedly pro-abortion media.”
Save the 8th is launching a massive billboard campaign highlighting the importance of voting to keep the Eighth Amendment.
Simon Coveney, the deputy head of the Irish government, said he supports repealing the Eighth Amendment but denied supporting abortion on demand.
Irish abortion supporters have repeatedly said they don’t support any restrictions on abortion and that it should be allowed right up to birth.
“When the public come to see this proposal for what it is, it will be rejected,” concluded Bhrian. “But that it is even being proposed is a dark day for our republic.”