DUBLIN, February 26, 2014 (LifeSiteNews.com) – Ireland’s Parliament has proposed a bill that would allow 16 year-olds to have their “gender” changed on their birth certificates and passports. The Minister for Social Protection, Joan Burton, said she would bring the proposal to Parliament on Tuesday.
The Gender Recognition Bill proposes to have the state recognize a person’s “acquired gender” for all purposes, including birth certificates, marriage and civil partnership registries.
The draft bill, brought forward in the summer, proposed setting the age limit at 18. But the Oireachtas Joint Committee on Education and Social Protection criticized this, saying that 16 year-olds can consent to surgery. The government has responded with a revision that allows 16-year-olds to have their new “gender” recognized by the state with parental consent.
The committee wanted a section dropped that required married “transgendered” persons to obtain a divorce before the state would recognize their new “gender.” The committee has also recommended that a guidance be drafted to “support acceptance and inclusion of ‘trans’ children in schools,” the Irish Times reports. Also recommended by the committee is an amendment to the Equality Acts to ban “discrimination” on the grounds of “gender identity.”
Once again the key to the change in law has been a decision in October 2007 by Justice Liam McKechnie who ruled Ireland was in violation of the European Convention on Human Rights because it did not recognize “transgender” persons. The case had been brought by a man, Donal Mark Foy, a retired dentist who self-identified as a “trans-woman” and who had changed his name to Lydia Foy after undergoing “reassignment surgery.”
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Foy had pushed the question forward when he went to the registry office and asked to have his gender changed on his birth certificate. The Registrar General refused and Foy launched legal proceedings in 1997. A similar case, ruled in the High Court in 2002 in the UK, launched the introduction of Britain’s Gender Recognition Act 2004.
A German theologian and author of the book Gender Mainstreaming, and The Global Sexual Revolution: Destruction of Freedom in the Name of Freedom, told LifeSiteNews that the situation in Ireland is moving according to the clear path of the ideology of gender. In a brief email, Gabriele Kuby affirmed that the progression from “anti-discrimination” laws to “civil unions” to “gay marriage” is progressing according to a pre-determined plan by “gender” activists.
Taking the issue out of the purely political realm, Kuby, a friend of Pope Emeritus Benedict, approaches it from the larger theological perspective, saying the sexual revolution has been one long logical progression in which “step by step the individual usurps the throne of God.”
She said that the first impulse is to say, “I want to be like God,” which progresses to “I want to decide about life and death,” which has resulted in the abortion movement. Next, she says, the gender ideology says, “I want to decide whether to be a man or a woman,” and “I want to have sex in any way I like, but I do not want to procreate.” From there it is a short step to manipulating human life itself in utero, or in the lab. “I want to create the human being through genetic manipulation according to my wishes,” Kuby wrote. Then it is, “I want to decide about the life of my child before birth and after,” and finally, “I want to decide when to terminate my own life.”
All of this progression from premise to premise, she said, depends upon the assumption that man is alone and in charge. “But,” she added, “what if God does exist?”