DUBLIN, Ireland, July 8, 2020 (LifeSiteNews) — An Irish Catholic priest has published a YouTube video endorsing the Dublin LGBT “Pride” parade and saying that he’s disappointed not to be able to take part in it this year due to the coronavirus crisis.
Father Seamus Madigan, head chaplain of the Irish Defence Forces, recorded a video message as part of last month’s Dublin “Virtual Pride Parade.”
“It takes sunshine and rain to make a rainbow and its beauty is it's made up of many colors and hues all sitting together in perfect harmony,” Madigan begins.
“We're all different, yet united in our desire for happiness, belonging, meaning, making a difference, living a life less ordinary. We all face challenges and joys that come with being alive, knowing who we are, living meaningful relationships and finding our place in the world,” he continues.
“Our diversity is rooted in a deeper unity. This year I was looking forward to representing the chaplaincy service of the Irish Defense Forces for the first time at the Dublin Pride Parade. I felt privileged as head chaplain to have the opportunity to walk side-by-side with our LGBTQI+ members showing solidarity and support. Unfortunately the COVID-19 pandemic means the 2020 parade will not take place.”
Anthony Murphy, director of the Ireland-based Lumen Fidei Institute, told LifeSiteNews that Madigan's support of the “Pride Parade” being published on Youtube and the Irish Army website is “a cause of grave scandal especially as it sends out the wrong message to our young people concerning Catholic teaching on homosexual acts.”
“As these remarks have been made public, the Lumen Fidei Institute has respectfully asked the Bishop of Limerick…Brendan Leahy, to publicly correct Fr Séamus Madigan's erroneous statements and make it clear, especially to our young people, that Catholics cannot take part in parades which celebrate immoral lifestyles,” Murphy said.
“Unfortunately, we have not had a response from the bishop so we must assume that he does not view this as a matter worthy of his attention,” he continued.
“If the Bishop refuses to intervene in the scandal then this will be a further sign not only of the rapid decline of the Church in Ireland, but also of the moral cowardice and negligence of our bishops. Once again the enemies of Christ are free to spread confusion while faithful Catholics are abandoned,” Murphy concluded.
In 2018 Bishop Athanasius Schneider of Astana, Kazakhstan, made the point that each Catholic bishop has “the grave moral duty to raise his voice and take a stand regarding the phenomenon of ‘gay pride’ parades” in a speech where he claimed that the totalitarianism of homosexual and gender ideology is actively working to conquer the Catholic Church.
“If the Bishop refuses to intervene in the scandal then this will be a further sign not only of the rapid decline of the Church in Ireland, but also of the moral cowardice and negligence of our bishops. Once again the enemies of Christ are free to spread confusion while faithful Catholics are abandoned,” Murphy concluded.
Liam Gibson, the Northern Ireland-based spokesman for pro-life, pro-family group the Society for the Protection of Unborn Children (SPUC) told LifeSiteNews that “Catholics in the pro-life movement will, however, recognise that this agenda is incompatible with the Gospel.”
“The sentiments expressed in the message from the Chaplaincy Service of the Irish Defence Forces will be familiar to Catholics in most Western nations. Large sections of the Church have given in to pressure to affirm the homosexualist agenda,” Gibson said.
“Catholics in the pro-life movement will, however, recognise that this agenda is incompatible with the Gospel. The distorted view of human sexuality which it promotes not only views children as the disposable by-product of sexual relations between men and women but it has also turned them into the commodities of the IVF industry or goods to be exchanged in surrogacy agreements,” Gibson continued.
Gibson said that Madigan’s message is also a “betrayal of the men and women who have bought into the homosexual subculture so closely associated with substance abuse, intimate partner violence and emotional instability.”
“It is ironic that while the Catholic bishops are drastically limiting access to the sacraments, supposedly to reduce the risk of contracting [COVID-19], some within the Church seem eager to endorse dangerous sexual practices. We know these practices can result in serious diseases and can radically reduce life expectancy. But worst of all, Father Madigan’s message shows a complete disregard for the spiritual welfare of the individuals caught up in such self-destructive behaviour.”