
WASHINGTON, October 28, 2004 ( – The Internal Revenue Service says churches praying for God to grant President Bush four more years as President, during their church services, is a violation of the federal tax code.  The IRS issued their ruling in response to a formal request from the Christian Defense Coalition seeking clarification on this issue.  The Christian Defense Coalition is being represented on this issue by the American Center for Law and Justice.

Rev. Patrick J. Mahoney, Director of the Christian Defense Coalition, commented on the ruling saying, “This decision by the IRS is a tragic crushing of the First Amendment and religious freedom. The federal government is now telling churches how they must pray and conduct their services.  This is clearly censorship.  Churches should be allowed to pray according to the teachings of Scripture and the dictates of their conscience without government intimidation or harassment.  Regardless if that prayer is offered for President Bush, Senator Kerry or any other candidate.”  jhw