Dear friends and supporters,
Today, we are very proud to unveil a video put together by Mirandum Pictures to celebrate’s 15th anniversary. We have shown you a teaser before, but this is the full 9 ½ minute production – and well worth the watch.
The first showing of this video was during our Gala Celebration at the Washington Dulles Hilton Hotel in April. We received rave reviews afterwards from many of our guests. I know you will also be impressed, as we were when the film team showed it to us.
In a way that printed words can never do, the video dramatically brings to life the LifeSiteNews mission. You will get an insiders’ perspective on the beginnings of our organization down to our dreams and aspirations for the future and a restoration of the Culture of Life.
We would like to dedicate this video to all of our supporters.
Many of you have played an integral role in the success of our past. Recently, we have seen a tremendous increase in readers and supporters who, in addition to our faithful supporters that have remained with us from the beginning, now represent what LifeSiteNews is to the culture of life community at present.
Now, with this video, we hope to inspire our current supporters and a new wave of people who will come to understand the vital importance of LifeSiteNews and become part of our future.
15 years ago we were pioneers in the field. And now, thanks to you and all of our supporters, we are the most prominent pro-life and pro-family news source “on the planet.” What an amazing adventure we have been a part of.
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If you have not already, come and join us in this adventure!
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Steve Jalsevac