
SCOTLAND, Jan 15 (LSN) – Yesterday, doctors in Scotland reported the discovery that a test-tube baby has both male and female sex organs. The finding has led to increased concern that in vitro fertilization (IVF) techniques increase the odds of such aberrations. The child, conceived through standard IVF techniques, is a “chimeric hermaphrodite,” the result of an unintended fusion of two separate embryos, which normally would have developed separately into two babies.  Since the two embryos were of opposite sexes, about half the cells in the child’s body are genetically male and half are female.The child looks like a boy but was born with both a testicle and an ovary.  The case reveals the horror of IVF in that many embryos must die in order to attempt to impregnate the intended mother. England recently passed a regulation limiting to three the number of embryos that doctors may transfer during each IVF attempt. With the average number of attempts before a pregnancy results being three, at least eight children must die in order to successfully have one “test-tube” baby. The United States is not subject to this kind of regulation. Canada too has no regulations on IVF and thus scientist may experiment with human life as they see fit.