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(LifeSiteNews) –– Before being shown the door at the White House on January 20 next year, Joe Biden will make one last trip to Italy to spend time with Pope Francis at the latter’s request. 

On Thursday, Biden had a phone call with Francis to discuss what the White House called “efforts to advance peace around the world during the holiday season.”  

Biden’s team said that during their conversation he “thanked the pope for his continued advocacy to alleviate global suffering, including his work to advance human rights and protect religious freedoms.” 

Pope Francis last hosted Biden in 2021, though he met with him during a G7 summit in Italy this June. This year’s visit is scheduled to take place on January 10. Biden will also meet with Italy’s Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni and President Sergio Mattarella during his trip. 

Over the past six years, Francis has notably remained silent on the many public acts and stances Joe Biden has taken against the faith. In fact, he has done the opposite.  

After Biden’s 2021 visit to the Vatican, Biden told the media that Francis told him he was a “good Catholic” and that he should “keep receiving Communion.” The Vatican later said in a statement the pair’s meeting focused on climate issues, COVID-19, and caring for migrants.  

Biden’s announcement, which was not denied by the Vatican, threw cold water on efforts being made in the U.S. by faithful bishops who were calling for Biden to be denied Holy Communion. The constant practice of the Church is to deny Communion to those in public life who promote evils opposed to Church teaching, like abortion. Washington D.C. bishop Cardinal Wilton Gregory, Chicago’s Blasé Cupich, and others have since said they would do no such thing.  

During the run up to the 2016 U.S. presidential election, Francis infamously implied that Donald Trump was “not Christian” because of his strong support for a border wall with Mexico. Francis also assisted Biden’s campaign in 2020 with the timely release of Fratelli Tutti in October, which endorsed many social justice issues Biden had been campaigning on.  

Biden led the U.S. delegation along with Nancy Pelosi to the Vatican for Francis’ inauguration following the 2013 conclave.  Francis previously spoke with Biden when he came to the U.S. at the invitation of then-House Speaker John Boehner in 2015. Biden was serving as Barack Obama’s Vice President at the time. 

