Please pledge to pray the novena here and get your copy of the novena prayer.
STEUBENVILLE, Ohio (LifeSiteNews) — LifeSiteNews readers are warmly invited to take part in a nine-day novena dedicated to the conversion of Pope Francis and restoration of the Catholic Church.
Organized by the Confraternity of Our Lady of Fatima, the novena is set to take place from December 8 to December 17, which is Pope Francis’ birthday.
“We are doing this out of the utmost respect and concern for our dear Holy Father. As Catholics, we must ardently pray for him and his eternal soul before it is too late,” said Christopher Wendt, international director of the Confraternity. “Imagine what it would mean for the Church if Pope Francis were to return to the True Faith, retracting any dubious or heretical statements and addressing those disciplinary actions or appointments that have caused harm.”
“As Jesus prayed for the first Pope, St. Peter, in Luke 22:32, so too must we pray for the conversion of Pope Francis,” he added. “Out of respect and love for his eternal soul.”
Several groups, including LifeSiteNews, the Remnant, One Peter Five, and Crisis have been invited to each lead the prayer for one evening. Prayer will be shared via livestream every day of the novena, at 8 p.m. EST on the Confraternity’s website and Facebook page.
Here is the novena prayer:
O Lord Jesus Christ, You are the Good Shepherd! With your almighty hand you guide the Church Militant on earth through the storms of each age. Therefore, the boat of the Church remains unsinkable in the unheard crisis, which in our day obfuscates the honor of the Holy See and the life of the entire Church.
O Lord, grant Pope Francis the grace neither to fear the powerful of this world nor to compromise with the spirit of the age. Illuminate Pope Francis that he may preserve, strengthen, and defend the Catholic Faith unto the shedding of his blood, and preserve, protect, and hand on the venerable liturgy of the Roman Church.
O Lord, enkindle in Pope Francis the zeal of the Apostles, so that he may proclaim to the whole world: “Salvation is found in no other than in Jesus Christ. For there is no other name under heaven given to men by which they should be saved” (Acts 4:10-12).
O Lord, grant Pope Francis the grace that he may make the Holy See shine once more as the Cathedra of Truth for the whole world.
Hear us, O Lord, and through the intercession of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, Mother of the Church, and of all Holy Popes, grant Pope Francis the grace that he may be converted and strengthen his brethren in the faith, as you promised to the Apostle Peter (Luke 22:32).
O Lord, let thy mercy come upon Pope Francis! O Lord, let Thy mercy be upon Thy whole Church! In Thee we place our hope, let us not be confounded forever.
Since Francis assumed the papacy in 2013, LifeSiteNews has extensively covered ongoing controversies regarding various stands he has taken at odds with core Catholic doctrine.
In May 2014, LifeSiteNews published a groundbreaking story on Pope Francis’ concelebration of Mass with a notorious clerical homosexual activist, whose hand the new pontiff kissed in reverence. Pope Francis’ attempted erosion of the Church’s lifegiving doctrine on marriage and the family has only worsened over the past 10 years. To give only one early example, in 2016, the pontiff called abortion activist Emma Bonino, who herself committed abortions, one of Italy’s “forgotten greats.” To mention only one of the latest scandals, last week the Bishop of Rome declared that “every religion is a way to arrive at God.”
On multiple occasions in September 2024, Pope Francis suggested that “every religion is a way to arrive at God,” in direct contradiction of Church teaching that “The one true Church established by Christ is the Catholic Church.”
“Is Francis really the pope? Is Pope Francis even Catholic?” LifeSiteNews co-founder and editor-in-chief John-Henry Westen asked on November 26. “This is a debate being held by sincere men and women who are trying to interpret the realities they are witnessing in light of Catholic teaching, and they are engaging in this discussion with the goal of preserving the faith at a time of seemingly unprecedented crisis.”
Please pledge to pray the novena here and get your copy of the novena prayer.