(LifeSiteNews) — This week’s episode of The Van Maren Show is Jonathon’s speech at the March for Life in Toronto on Friday, May 13, the day after pro-lifers gathered at the March for Life in Ottawa. Included in the episode is an introduction and conclusion Jonathon recorded after the event. Below is a teaser of his speech.
I actually want to begin by thanking the protesters for showing up today. And the reason for that is that their presence and their passion — and I mean this with total seriousness — is always an inspiration to me. Because I always think if somebody can show up at somebody else’s event and present the passion that they are presenting now, if they’re willing to spend their time and their resources to fight for aborting babies, then surely we can dedicate equal energy and equal passion to saving them.
There’s a question, actually. There’s a question that Gregg Cunningham first asked many of the people who work full-time in the pro-life movement today. And it’s a question I often ask myself, which is this: Are there more people in Canada fighting to kill babies than to save them? Or put another way, are those protesters more passionate about aborting babies than we are passionate about saving them? Our passion for truth should be at least as passionate. We should be at least as committed as those protesters who are here committed to covering up what happens when abortion happens.
Listen to the full speech below or by clicking here.
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