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Jordan Peterson debating left-wing political commentator Steven 'Destiny' Bonnell Jordan B. Peterson/YouTube

(LifeSiteNews) — Canadian clinical psychologist and anti-woke professor Dr. Jordan Peterson blasted the Olympics for its “cover-up lie” and fake apology over its blasphemous opening ceremony. 

In a July 29 post on X, Peterson condemned the International Olympic Committee (IOC) for its weak apology “if anyone was offended” by the blasphemous opening ceremony for the 2024 Paris Olympic Games last Friday.  

“Sorry for the offense, but here’s a cover-up lie,” Peterson said, mocking the IOC statement. “So we don’t have to actually apologize or admit what we were actually doing while we gaslight those with eyes to see and ears to hear.” 

Following backlash over the offensive event, the man behind it, a homosexual activist, claimed that the display was not intended to mock the Last Supper but was merely a depiction of a “pagan party.” 

However, Peterson pointed out that “It was obviously the Last Supper and everyone involved absolutely knew it.”  

The IOC statement apologized “if anyone was offended by certain scenes,” despite the ceremony clearly depicting a banquet featuring drag queens parodying Leonardo da Vinci’s painting The Last Supper.

The Last Supper depicts Christ surrounded by his Apostles during the first ever Mass. However, in the blasphemous rendition that took place this weekend, an immodest lesbian stood in the place of Christ, surrounded by drag queens and demonically dressed individuals.  

The blasphemous ceremony is being roundly condemned on social media by Christians and non-believers alike, with many pointing to it as a “new low.”  

San Francisco Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone said the ceremony reflected “secular fundamentalism” having “infiltrated the Olympics, even to the point of blaspheming the religion of over a billion people,” while Bishop Joseph Strickland called it a “new low for our human community.” 

Similarly, X CEO Elon Musk, who recently told Jordan Peterson he was raised Anglican and is “culturally Christian,” said the performance was “extremely disrespectful to Christians.”  

