
QUESNEL, B.C., Mar 18 (LSN)  Judge Robin Smith, the BC family court judge who alerted the public last month to the fact that social workers in the small B.C. town of Quensel apprehended 71 children from their parents in just two months. Judge Smith, who repeated his warning on CTV’s W5 news program yesterday, noted that in only five of the cases was the removal of the children justified.  Judge Smith detailed the horrendous result of the apprehensions of the children from their families as he indicated a possible waiting period of “a year and a half” before the case is heard in court, which may permit the children to be returned to the parents. He indicated that the great increase in child seizures came as a result of a BC government audit last November.  The NDP government’s new Ministry for Children and Families decided to remove all eight existing area social workers for retraining and replace them with 14 new social workers. These new social workers, of the government’s choosing, were responsible for the wanton child seizures that have sparked outrage across the country.