
CLEARWATER, Fla., December 17, 2002 ( – Terri Sciavo, the woman whose estranged husband has been fighting to have her taken off life support, even though her family insists she could recover if therapy is resumed, has been given a repreive. Circuit Judge George Greer, who ruled on November 22 that the husband could pull the plug on January 3, has stayed the decision while another court hears her parents’ appeal.  The parents, Bob and Mary Schindler, say their daughter “reacts to them with tears and smiles and moves her head.” They believe she could be rehabilitated with new and aggressive therapy, discontinued early on by the husband.  Schiavo, 38, suffered a heart attack during an unexplained 1990 seizure that cut off oxygen long enough to leave her in her present state. The family claims to have a videotape in which Terri interacts with her mother, and seems to follow commands to open and shut her eyes. But the video was not allowed as evidence by Judge Greer. (With files from Pro-Life E-News)  For media coverage see:,0,3925198.story?coll=orl%2Dhome%2Dheadlines   For previous LifeSite coverage see:  JUDGE ORDERS PLUG PULLED ON COMA WOMAN FEEDING-TUBE WOMAN SUFFERED SEVERE BEATING