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GALICIA, Spain, February 26, 2021 (LifeSiteNews) – A judge in Spain’s autonomous Galicia region has given legal permission to a local nursing home to administer a COVID-19 vaccine to an elderly, incapacitated resident, overriding the express protests of her family who are worried about the jab’s harmful side effects.
The case is the first of its kind in a country where the government has repeatedly emphasized that vaccinations would be voluntary, according to a report by the Associated Press (AP). Judge Javier Fraga Mandián ruled that, even though the woman was “incapacitated to provide valid consent,” the potential harm from her not taking the vaccine was greater than the possible side-effects of the vaccine.
The nursing home where the 84-year-old woman is currently resident, DomusVi San Lázaro, petitioned the court for the right to inject the woman after her daughter, who is also her legal guardian, decided not to consent to staff administering the abortion-tainted Pfizer-BioNTech jab to her elderly mother. DomusVi said that, of all the residents for whom they care at their residential properties across Spain, this has been the only case in which a legal guardian has refused the vaccine on behalf of their ward.
The care home also revealed at the time that 98% of their 15,000 residents had consented to being vaccinated, with the remaining 2% who refused being of sound mind to do so, save the woman in question.
Reports confirm that the woman was unable to consent or refuse the vaccination herself. Her advanced stage of dementia inhibited her from “even minimal participation in the decision on the desirability or otherwise of being vaccinated.”
Despite the daughter’s legal guardianship of her mother, Mandián saw the occasion as a legal obligation for the court to intervene, where, according to him, the “existence of tens of thousands of deaths” in Spain was cause enough to make the ruling: “The epidemic is expanding and the risk to life is very significant. This is about balancing the two risks and opting for the lesser evil, which for an 84-year-old person means having the vaccination.”
Mandián’s ruling extended so far as to mandate a second dose of the vaccine three weeks after the first, unless medical reports discover reasons to advise against continuing her inoculation course.
A state prosecutor in southern Spain revealed that, besides expecting more cases of non-voluntary vaccinations, the country could see family members have their legal guardianship stripped from them if they deny medical staff the option to vaccinate their loved ones.
Reports from a nursing home in Amersfoort, Netherlands, showed that, since administering the experimental COVID-19 vaccine to its 109 residents on January 30, already 70 patients tested positive for the virus and by Monday, 22 had died, with still many more ill and at risk of dying. The home had not experienced a wave of the virus tear through its population from the outbreak of the virus until this point.
A spokesperson, Evelien Bongers, said on behalf of the board of directors that it could not be “established with certainty in what measure the deaths were a direct consequence of contamination with the coronavirus” because of the victims’ underlying conditions. “These elderly patients died with the coronavirus, but not necessarily because of the coronavirus,” she said. “But we are seeing a higher number of deaths than usual.”
“When vaccinations started, we expected that contaminations would decrease, but that did not happen and we are very upset about that,” she added.
A similar tragedy struck a convent in northern Kentucky, where three Catholic religious sisters died shortly after receiving the mRNA-derived COVID vaccine, two of whom died just two days later. A further 25 of the 35 resident sisters tested positive for the virus in the days following their first dose of the vaccine, yet had not recorded any contact with COVID-19 prior to the jab rollout.
In fact, the sisters “were shocked to have so many [COVID-19] cases since we were being extremely careful, not going out, and not having visitors since the beginning of the pandemic,” Prioress Sister Aileen Bankepmer said. She even claimed that the sisters “redoubled our efforts after the [Christmas] holiday surge.”
Since the launch of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine, the latest data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) has recorded a total of 929 deaths from December 15, 2020, up to February 12, 2021, accounting for almost 6% of 15,923 adverse events on the system’s report. 1,869 people were hospitalized, 616 of whom were considered to have suffered a life-threatening reaction.