
By Gudrun Schultz

HUTCHINSON, Kansas, October 16, 2006 ( – A Kansas State Representative has been charged with battery for an assault on a pro-life demonstrator at the Kansas State Fair in September.

Abortion opponent Troy Newman, president of Operation Rescue, wore a cockroach costume and carried out political satire skits with another man in a demonstration against the filthy, unregulated conditions in Kansas abortion mills, during a leadership debate.

Democratic Rep. Vaughn Flora approached Newman in the crowd and tore off his mask, wounding Newman’s head in the process. Flora is facing up to one year in jail and a fine not more than $1,000 after the Reno County District Attorney’s office filed a complaint charging Flora with intentionally and unlawfully causing physical contact with Newman “in a rude, insulting or angry manner.” The charges against the 61-year-old state representative constitute a Class B misdemeanor.

“I think Mr. Flora may need to take some anger management classes to help him get his temper under control,” Newman said, an Operation Rescue press release.

“As Christians, we pray for the repentance and salvation of Mr. Flora,” said Newman. “I harbor no ill will against, although his actions have made me question whether he is qualified to hold a position in our state’s government. We just want to see him get his personal problems worked out so he doesn’t attack anyone else.”

Newman’s demonstration was directed against Gov. Kathleen Sebelius for her failure to ensure adequate inspections and minimum standards of hygiene in state abortion facilities. Operation Rescue recently purchased a Wichita building that had housed an abortion clinic, disclosing a cockroach infestation and other severe sanitation offenses in the clinic.

Gov. Sebelius has twice vetoed bills that would require regulation and inspection of abortion mills. According to Operation Rescue, Sebelius has received significant funding from notorious Kansas abortionist George Tiller, one of the most prominent late-term abortionists in the country.

The Hutchinson News reported the pre-trial hearing is set for Nov. 21 at the Reno County District courthouse.

Read Operation Rescue coverage:

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