WASHINGTON, D.C., December 15, 2016 (LifeSiteNews) — Kellyanne Conway, who last month became the first woman to run a winning presidential campaign when she guided Donald Trump to victory, turned down a leadership post in the new administration to focus on raising her four children.
Not surprisingly, some women's groups are castigating her for not grabbing power over caring for her family.
Conway told the Women Rule Summit put on by Politico that she informed senior campaign staffers trying to talk her into taking a position in the Trump administration, “Don't even try.”
She “politely” responded to staffers, “Would you want the mother of your children (to take the job)? You really see their entire visage change. It’s like, 'Oh, no.' They wouldn’t want their wife to take that job.”
With that comment, the media had a field day. The Daily Beast rounded up just a few of the inflammatory (and defamatory) headlines:
“Kellyanne Conway suggests Mothers Shouldn’t Take Jobs in the White House” — New York Magazine.
“Kellyanne Conway Slips Up, Implies Trump White House will be Terrible Place for Women” — The Huffington Post.
“Kellyanne Conway Doesn’t Think Moms Should Work in the White House” — Refinery 29.
“Kellyanne Conway Suggests Men Don’t Want their Wives to Work in the White House” — Slate.
“These attacks on Conway were irresponsible and are a perfect case study in why some younger women eschew the feminist label,” Keli Goff of The Daily Beast commented.
In fact, Goff tied the media onslaught against Conway with Hillary Clinton's losing campaign. “The fact that liberal-leaning publications attacked her shows just how out of touch they are with many women across this country and their values, and it explains why so many in the East Coast media bubble remain shocked these women didn’t vote for Hillary – and their specific brand of feminism.”
Hillary Clinton, asked why she worked outside the home as a lawyer after her daughter Chelsea was born, angrily replied with not a little denigration of motherhood. “I suppose I could have stayed home and baked cookies!” she sarcastically snapped.
Indeed, conservatives have long criticized the more radical aspects of modern feminism for diminishing, not increasing, the honored role of women in society. Some say the fruit of the feminist lie, “You can have it all!” is not the empowerment of women but the shaming of the feminine nature. Far from upholding the unique role of women and motherhood, Christian critics say modern feminism has done nothing more than mutate women into unisex workers indistinguishable from men. The utilitarian creation of women outside the home, living to work, has actually robbed women of their unique power, they say, with the practical result of nation full of women raising children without paternal support. And, as usual, it's the children that suffer the most.
Less politically-correct sociologists admit that motherhood is the most important job of all, because studies show the relationship between the infant and his or her mother is the basis for the formation of human personality.
The maternal relationship is not just the first, but the primary, most essential, most critical relationship of life. It establishes the child's capacity for love throughout life and creates the conditions for the development and exercise of conscience.
The degree of undivided, 24/7 devotion on the part of his/her mother determines how well the child will be able to think, to learn, to love, to care, and to cooperate with others.
The adage “A mother is a molder of men” is true. George Washington wrote, “All I am I owe to my mother. I attribute all my success in life to the moral, intellectual and physical education I received from her.” Abraham Lincoln admitted, “All that I am or ever hope to be, I owe to my angel Mother.”
Columnist Goff concludes, “We shouldn’t shame a woman for saying she doesn’t think working 24/7 is compatible with raising four children.”
Conway will still advise Trump when needed, but will not have a specific post. Staffers refer to Conway's position in the future Trump administration as “the Kellyanne role.”
Conway, whose past clients include Mike Pence, Newt Gingrich, and Michele Bachmann, worked for Sen. Ted Cruz' campaign Super Pac before she took the job for Trump.