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KENTUCKY (LifeSiteNews) — Kentucky reported just two abortions in four months that followed its abortion prohibition going into full effect in August 2022, according to a new state report.

Kentucky Public Health released its 2022 abortion report last month. The report showed that the state’s life at conception law, fully enforced after an August 2022 ruling, was effective in eliminating legal abortions.

The two abortions after the prohibitions went into effect are likely due to an exception “to protect the life of a pregnant mother.” However, medical experts have confirmed that the killing of a preborn baby is never medically necessary.

However, the report cannot capture chemical abortions that were committed by women buying drugs online, though recent data shows that birth rates have risen in states that have restricted abortion since the reversal of Roe v. Wade and that many women in those states likely have not resorted to “self-managed” abortions, such as with illegal pills.

READ: Pro-lifers have a lot to celebrate one year after the reversal of Roe v. Wade

President Joe Biden has sought to make the dangerous drugs widely available online and through pharmacies, despite federal law prohibiting the mailing of abortion pills. Further progress on restricting chemical abortion drugs in the state will have to overcome the veto of the state’s pro-abortion Democratic governor, Andy Beshear, who won re-election last night.

According to the report, 2,550 innocent preborn babies were killed through abortion in 2022, in total.

The report provides further data that can be helpful to the pro-life movement in assessing the value of proposed federal bans that would allow abortions through the first 15 weeks.

For example, Kentucky’s data shows that about 96% of all abortions in the state were on babies who were younger than 15 weeks in the womb. As a result, a minimal 15-week federal abortion ban pushed by some groups would only be effective in saving 4% of babies in the event Kentucky ever repealed its laws against abortion.

READ: Abortions in Indiana decreased 24% even before near-total ban took effect

Furthermore, while the media and the abortion lobby may trumpet cases of minor girls having an abortion, the data shows that most of the women who had abortions were adults. The state reported 92% of abortions were committed on women older than 19. The data also show about half of the women who had abortions received at least some college education.

The data also shows how black women are disproportionately more likely to abort their babies.”[Charlotte Lozier Institute] estimates that Kentucky’s black abortion rate was 11.4 abortions per 1,000 women ages 15 to 44, nearly seven times the white abortion rate of 1.7 abortions per 1,000 women ages 15 to 44,” the pro-life think tank reported.

Kentucky’s experience is similar to other states that have restricted abortion in some form.

North Carolina saw a 31% decrease in abortions after its 12-week ban went into effect, as previously reported by LifeSiteNews.

READ: The post-Roe baby boom in Texas proves that pro-life laws save lives

Still, at least 2,920 innocent babies were killed in the womb in the month of July, along with any others who may have been killed through illegal abortions.

