PHILADELPHIA, September 23, 2013 ( – Late-term abortionist Kermit Gosnell, whose trial for murder and infanticide laid bare the dark underbelly of the abortion industry, told a journalist in a forthcoming interview that believes that he was a “soldier” out to eradicate poverty…one dead baby at a time.
The “house of horrors” abortionist, who is serving three consecutive life sentences for murdering at least three newborns, made his comments during an interview with Steve Volk of Philadelphia Magazine. The full article will hit news stands tomorrow.
Volk told ABC News that he discovered during his extensive interviews that, far from showing remorse, Gosnell “sees himself as having performed a noble function in society.”
“In this larger spiritual sense, he believes he was performing a service for people,” Volk said.
“It's not as if he feels guilty about what he did,” Volk said. “He believes he was a soldier at war with poverty.”
Gosnell's abortion facility, the Women's Medical Society, was located at 3801 Lancaster Avenue in West Philadelphia and preyed upon lower income women. Two of them, Semika Shaw and Karnamaya Mongar, died while in his care.
According to ABC News, “Gosnell said that one death in 40 years of practice does not indicate a poor record.”
Mongar, a native of Bhutan, died in 2009 after untrained staff administered an overdose of Demerol. Gosnell's second-in-command, Eileen O'Neill, was later convicted on multiple counts for practicing medicine without a license.
“He has a sense of righteousness, that whatever rule he broke, it was worth it,” he said.
“He believes if he could have spoken about his rationale for doing things, he wouldn't be in jail,” Volk said. “He believes he was in a war, and that 'they' won.”
It is unclear that pro-life politics played any role in his conviction. Nine of the 12 Gosnell jury members described themselves as “pro-choice.”
Gosnell's self-confidence is anything but new. Defense attorney Jack McMahon told reporters after the verdict that the murderer “truly believes in himself.”
Gosnell ran a filthy facility that broke state law hundreds of times by performing late-term abortions and infanticides until February 2010, when police raided his office on suspicion that he was peddling prescription drugs.
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They found cat urine and the blood of his patients – and unborn or newborn victims – staining operating tables and recliners in the “recovery room.” Unsterilized equipment spread STDs between his patients.
In the basement, they found the remains of 47 aborted children packed away in boxes, jugs, and even a lime-ade container. They discovered the doctor regularly allowed babies to be born alive, then cut their spinal column with scissors as they wriggled around in his hands.
According to staff, he once joked, “That's what you call a chicken with its head cut off.” In another instance, he remarked a baby was “big enough to walk me to the bus stop.”
In May, a jury convicted Gosnell of first-degree murder for slicing the spinal cords of three newborn babies with scissors.
Former employees at the medical office, which prosecutors dubbed a “house of horrors,” say they had witnessed the abortionist perform infanticide hundreds of times.
In July, he entered a guilty plea to running a prescription drug operation. According to prosecutors, the abortionist made at least $200,000 peddling prescriptions between June 2008 and February 2010.
Patients paid him $20 per script and gave his employees an additional $10 or $20.
In all, Gosnell earned an estimated $1.8 million a year at his office, lifting himself out of poverty while exploiting that of his patients.