
NEW HAVEN, Conn, Jan 7 (  The leader of the world’s largest Catholic family fraternal service organization, the Knights of Columbus, spoke yesterday about the upcoming (Jan 22) 26th anniversary of the Roe v. Wade decision which legalized abortion in the US. Supreme Knight Virgil C. Dechant called all pro-lifers, including his 1.6 million member group to “recommit to the culture of life.”

Drawing from statements by Pope John Paul II and the US bishops, Dechant said that proponents of the culture of death “seek to win acceptance for a utilitarian ethic of death.” “For the United States, Roe vs. Wade marked a disastrous step toward making us a culture of death,” Dechant concluded. “The Knights of Columbus, in fellowship with the rest of the pro-life movement, recommits itself to the culture of life and its vision of human dignity.”