BUFFALO, March 12, 2003 (LifeSiteNews.com) – James Kopp, an anti-abortion activist who admitted to shooting abortionist Barnett Slepian, has opted to waive his right to a jury trial. Against the advice of two of his three legal counsels and the judge in the case, Kopp has chosen to use a rare procedure for the trial. Judge Michael D’Amico will be asked to decide the case based solely on a summary of the evidence prepared by the prosecution and approved by Kopp’s pro-life lawyer Bruce Barket. The trial will thus be completed Monday, with no witnesses. Speculations on the reasons for the move vary but the lawyer for the pro-abortion movement was incensed. Pro-life observers suggest that the move ensures the trial does not drag out giving the media an opportunity to falsely paint the pro-life movement as violent.
Kopp’s lawyer said of the decision: “Jim certainly believes this is the best way to proceed. He’s doing it because this is the best thing for him, and for a cause that has been very dear to his heart his whole life.”
See the Buffalo News coverage: https://www.buffalonews.com/editorial/20030312/1037037.asp