June 27, 2012 (LifeSiteNews.com) – Kraft Foods, the company behind the Oreo cookie, has defended a promotional image of the cookie stuffed with rainbow filling as “a fun reflection of our values,” even as the gay rights endorsement triggered boycott threats within hours of appearing on the Internet.
The Photoshopped image of “America’s favorite cookie” caused a stir on the brand’s Facebook page Monday evening when it appeared with the caption, “Proudly support love!”
The image had garnered nearly 220,000 Facebook “likes” by Wednesday morning, 66,600 shares, and 35,850 comments fueling an unending flame war over the cookie’s stand in favor of the homosexual movement.
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“LOVE! LOVE! LOVE! Good job Oreo!” wrote one commenter, while another said, “I will not purchase another Nabisco/Kraft product. I am fairly ambivalent about the homosexual marraige/union issue but I will not go along with using an Iconic Children’s snack to promote one side of it.” While most comments praised the image, a large number were dedicated to retaliating against those objecting on Biblical grounds.
“Anyone who still believes in Christianity and the bible is as thick as two short planks and needs to get an education as they were clearly raised by idiots,” wrote one commenter. “What a gaggle of hateful retards,” said another. “All you who are bashing Christians is that fair?? What if they put a cross on there I bet you all would be complaining as well….Just saying,” responded a third.
Kraft spokesperson Basil Maglaris said in a statement that the rainbow cookie, which won’t have a variant for sale, was created to honor the celebration of LGBT Pride Month in June.
“We are excited to illustrate what is making history today in a fun and playful way,” said Maglaris in an email to ABC News. “As a company, Kraft Foods has a proud history of celebrating diversity and inclusiveness. We feel the OREO ad is a fun reflection of our values.”
Kraft Foods owns a number of brands, including Capri Sun, Nabisco, Philadelphia cream cheese, Ritz, Baker’s chocolate, Triscuit, Cool Whip, Grey Poupon, and Wheat Thins.
The Oreo endorsement is not the only gay pride endorsement to come out from a major brand in tandem with LGBT Pride Month. Earlier, Minnesota-based General Mills’ publicly endorsed same-sex ‘marriage’ in response to the state’s ballot initiative to protect the definition of marriage. In addition, Target stores this Spring sparked a boycott from pro-family leaders after it launched a line of gay pride t-shirts at the end of May.