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Gainesville, Florida, June 21, 2021 (LifeSiteNews) – A group of concerned parents in Florida sent their children's face-masks in for testing and found them contaminated with a multitude of dangerous bacteria.
Six masks (five worn by children, one by an adult) were sent in to a lab at the University of Florida after parents noticed rashes and skin disturbances on the faces of their children. The results, as reported by, showed that the masks were a seedbed for harmful bacteria, fungi and parasites. The report states:
Half of the masks were contaminated with one or more strains of pneumonia-causing bacteria. One-third were contaminated with one or more strains of meningitis-causing bacteria. One-third were contaminated with dangerous, antibiotic-resistant bacterial pathogens. In addition, less dangerous pathogens were identified, including pathogens that can cause fever, ulcers, acne, yeast infections, strep throat, periodontal disease, Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, and more.
Amanda Donohom, one of the concerned parents in Florida, interviewed with Fox News and explained how her sons came home with rashes around their mouths and nose and this prompted her, and other parents, to investigate what was growing in the mask.
At the school, Donoho explained, her sons “are in masks all day, seven hours a day – the only break they get is to eat or drink. … They don’t get breaks for recess or P.E. – even outside.”
Donoho said that the mask mandate was recently lifted in the Alachua County Public Schools, but if the children were within “6 – 8 feet of a friend to talk to them, their mask ha[d] to go back on.”
Donoho argued that the masks were not made to keep out viruses. “Viruses go right through [the mask]. Bacteria stops in the mask, but COVID, the flu virus … can still go right through the mask. … Masks that are in hospitals, that are being used every day, are made to be changed every 20 minutes.”
Dr. Nicole Saphier, in the same interview with Fox News, stated that “Face masks have had their utility in the fight against the pandemic … [but] Amanda is right, they are not 100 percent effective against this virus.”
Saphier added that “transmission among children has dropped 86%” and said that “immunity has grown through the vaccines and natural immunity from infections.”
Saphier continued and said that we need a “benefit-risk analysis of our children wearing face masks” is needed.
“You can have poor dentition [development of teeth] from increased bio-film. You can have chapped lips. You can have increased sinus infection. You can acne [and] other skin problems.”
“The benefits of mask wearing in children,” she concluded, “do not outweigh these inherent risks anymore.”
Saphier is far from alone in these conclusions.
America’s Frontline Doctors (AFD) has recently stated that “requiring children to wear a mask that covers their nose and mouth for seven to ten hours a day is child abuse.”
AFD note that the conclusions of all the May 2020 randomized controlled studies of the CDC on masking were that the “proper use of face masks is essential because improper use might increase the risk of transmission,” and that “no significant reduction in influenza transmission was found with the use of facemasks.”
More recently, they note, the May 2021 Standford Study reported that, “a meta-analysis among health care workers found that compared to no masks, surgical mask and N95 respirators were not effective against transmission of viral infection or influenza like diseases.”
The risks of wearing masks are great. A longitudinal study from March 2020 tot March 2021 published in MedRixin, concluded with the following warnings:
Prolonged use of wearing a mask (more than four hours per day) promotes “facial alkalinisation and inadvertently encourages dehydration, which … can enhance barrier breakdown and bacterial infection risk.”
Masks “increase headaches and sweating and decrease cognitive precision.”
“By obscuring nonverbal communication, masks interfere with social learning in children.”
“Masks can distort verbal speech and remove visual cues to the detriment of individuals with hearing loss; clear face-shields improve visual integration, but there is a corresponding loss of sound quality.”
The only positive result of wearing masks, the researchers said, was that they “may promote social cohesion as rallying symbols during a pandemic.”