
WASHINGTON, Mar 9 (LSN) – Last Thursday, hundreds of women gathered on the steps of the federal courthouse where hearings on President Clinton's sex scandal were underway. Mrs.  Bonnie Perry, organizer of the “Character Does Count” rally, told reporters that the group came together to challenge the notion that America doesn’t care about morality in leadership.  The ladies sang “God Bless America” and recited the Pledge of Allegiance and also chanted slogans like “Hey, hey, ho, ho! Perjury has got to go!” and “Two, four, six, eight! Married people shouldn’t date!” Mrs. Perry announced to the lively crowd, “We demand that our leaders be trustworthy,” and received applause, noting that Clinton could learn a lesson from kindergarten. “That’s where we learn to tell the truth, obey the rules, set a good example,  do the right thing and keep our promise.”