As of this writing, we are $34,000 short of our Summer Campaign goal. An insurmountable challenge? Not the way I see it.
Already this month we have had over 1,000,000 visitors come through our site looking for the very best and timely pro-life and pro-family news reports in the world.
We only need a small fraction of our readers who have not already done so, to decide our vital news service is worth at least a $5 supporting donation.
This morning we had one of our bi-weekly staff conference calls. There were 14 staff members on the call – and this wasn’t even our whole staff! We were short two journalists, as well as the contracted technical, graphics and other specialists we use on a regular basis to maintain the high quality of this complex operation. Every one of the specialists are also pro-life and pro-family.
The conference calls are important for our work. There is a lot of interaction (including much needed laughter) as we report on and discuss major stories and other issues and set plans for the following weeks and months.
The calls help our team members from several nations to stay part of the close knit LifeSiteNews family committed to a mission we all believe is a needed service to the world.
Given just the necessary size and competency of our staff (there are other cost factors as well), I hope you agree that our $100,000 quarterly goal is a very reasonable one.
It’s actually a conservative goal as our total annual costs are now about $600,000.
While the Summer Campaign goal is not enough for us to be remotely ‘comfortable,’ we have become quite efficient at what we do. With our relative shoe-string budget, we often have an astonishingly strong impact compared to much larger organizations, operating with exponentially larger overhead.
The dedication of the LifeSiteNews team to this mission is something our readers can see in the quality of the work that we do. People never cease to be amazed at the return on their investment.
This is our last Summer Campaign appeal. If you haven’t donated yet, please step forward today and give generously – online, by telephone, by mail or by bank deposit. Our donation page will guide you through these and other options for supporting this truthful news mission.
We will leave the home page donation thermometer up for a few more days to allow readers to track the total as final donations come in.
As always , we are extremely grateful for the generosity of donors who place their confidence and trust in this work that we do for them.
May God bless you and your families,
Steve Jalsevac
Managing Director
P.S. – If you haven’t seen the message already, the company that processes our donation is experiencing a glitch. When you log into your LifeSiteNews account and select ‘make a donation,’ the system gives an error message. If you experience this problem, just go to our donation page and make a donation by filling out the form and leaving ‘login name’ and ‘login password’ blank.