

Folks, our fall campaign is at the very end!

No more requests after today, but this last one is extra important.

It has been our custom in the past to run our ‘Last Call’ for 24 hours before closing down the campaign.

But with yesterdays’ crazy events, causing major setbacks in our reporting and other issues, we are going to let this ‘Last Call’ run for 48 hours.

We only need $10,000! (Click Here to Donate)

That’s a big improvement over just a few days ago, and we are almost there.

ANY AMOUNT would be greatly appreciated.

Will you help to bring this campaign over the top at this late stage!

We know it can be done.

Just a few hundred more folks giving $50, $35, or even just $20 would bring us all the way.

Will you be one of those last few hundred? (Click Here to Donate)

Here is one more shocking statistic – if the readers who come across our website over the course of a 1-month period gave only $1 – LifeSiteNews would not have to do any fundraising for years to come!

Pretty incredible, right? $10,000 is an easily attainable goal.

For Life and Family,

Steve Jalsevac                                             John-Henry Westen
Managing Director and co-founder                 Editor-in-Chief and co-founder

And the entire LifeSiteNews team!