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Just a reminder that today is the LAST CALL for our Christmas fundraising campaign!

With your help today, we will reach the $99,130 left to raise to keep our pro-life and pro-family mission operational, speaking the TRUTH clearly and without fear as we begin 2018!

Amazingly, it would take less than 1% of our 3 million+ monthly readers to donate as little as $5 to get us all the way to that necessary goal.

Will you be a part of that generous 1% and support our mission to build a Culture of Life and Family with a donation today – even if it’s just $5 or $10?


(You can also make a donation by phone or mail)

Note: LifeSite is a 501c3 organization, and donations are tax-deductible in the United States.

On behalf of the entire team here at LifeSite, we want to wish you a truly blessed and merry Christmas!

Above all, we would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to all who have generously responded to our Christmas campaign, and to all of our fundraising campaigns this year. God bless you for your generosity and trust in our mission!

For our incredible team of 30+ pro-life journalists, editors and support staff, working for LifeSite is truly a labor of love. Knowing that there are thousands of dedicated readers like you who are standing right beside us, willing to personally sacrifice to keep this mission functioning, means more to us than we can possibly express.

Finally, if you are not financially able to support this mission with a gift today – and even if you are! – please don’t forget that truly the greatest gift you can give to LifeSite and our staff is your continued prayers.

Please pray not just for the success of our Christmas campaign, but for all of our staff. Every day our remarkable team is faced with making decisions about how to report on some of the most challenging and difficult moral issues facing our culture. We remind ourselves daily that our hope is in the Lord, and that we must turn to Him constantly, putting our work firmly in His hands, and relying on His faithful support.

We are asking you this one final time to make possible our mission to report the TRUTH, without compromise, on the most important issues facing our culture!

If you've made a donation already, or sent in a donation by mail, thank you from the bottom of our hearts! Please disregard this email.

After today, appeals related to this campaign will cease. We leave the results in your hands!

As usual, we will leave the campaign thermometer up through Christmas week so you can follow our progress, and we will continue to add mail-in donations as they come in up to just after New Year’s Day.

Remember: Every single donation counts, even if it’s only $5 or $10.


God bless!

For life and family, 

P.S. – One last reminder that American donors can claim their donations at tax time since LifeSite is a 501(c)(3) organization

P.P.S. – Remember if even less than 1% of our readers donated $5 or more, we would easily hit our goal. Please, make your donation today. Click here. Thank you, and God bless!