This is it! It’s the last day of our Spring Fundraising Campaign, and we’re so close to our goal of at least $75,000! Will you help us get to the finish line with a generous donation? Click here.
It’s been remarkable seeing the response from our readers since we launched our campaign 3 weeks ago. We understand that, during the Lenten season, many of you are supporting several other organizations, either financially or with prayer.
At LifeSiteNews, we are blessed to know that you find us worthy of your support.
You can have confidence that at LSN we are using your contributions wisely. Our philosophy is that our mission is first and foremost. All of our funds are put into our work, rather than into unnecessary institutional expenses that can sap an organization of its vitality and distract from its original purpose.
As an international news agency, we have staff all around the world. However, all but two of our staff work from their homes, saving us the major expense of renting and maintaining costly facilities. The U.S. office where those two staff work is in Front Royal, Virginia in a small room obtained from Human Life International at a generous rate.
Our Canadian office is the address of Campaign Life Coalition Canada which provides us the services of receiving our mail, processing some of our donations and doing the Canadian administrative tasks that we have absolutely no time for. We are immensely grateful for the help of CLC.
Our Rome correspondent, Hilary White, often works at a desk in the library of Human Life International in the Eternal City.
All this is deliberate. We are news missionaries, not empire builders. Therefore you get the highest value for your donations and we are freer to focus on getting the truth to you – every day.
If you have not already done so, please consider supporting LSN through a generous donation today. Click here to help us reach our goal.
Thank you for your support, and we hope that you continue to have a blessed Lenten season.
Steve Jalsevac
Co-founder and Managing Director
U.S. and International Donors
Click here to donate online.
Call our office at (888) 678-6008 x. 923 between 9:00 a.m. and 5 p.m. EST.
Canadian donors
Click here to donate online.
Call our office at (888) 678-6008 x. 923 between 9:00 a.m. and 5 p.m. EST.