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(LifeSiteNews) – A whistleblower employed by vaccine maker Pfizer has leaked a chain of emails by company executives discussing how to best withhold information from the public on the use of fetal cell lines derived from an aborted baby in the development of the Pfizer vaccine.
In a video released by Project Veritas today, Pfizer whistleblower Melissa Strickler provided a chain of emails between top Pfizer executives including VP and CSO Philip Dormitzer and Senior Director of Worldwide Research Vanessa Gelman, in which they discuss the appropriate script and “approved answer” to use in order to avoid disclosing information to the public on the use of fetal cell lines in creating the vaccine.
Melissa Strickler has worked at Pfizer for about ten years and is currently part of the quality department at one of the company’s biggest plants. She accidentally uncovered a chain of emails discussing fetal tissue and the COVID vaccine.
“What was troubling to me was that they wanted to keep it under wraps,” Strickler told Project Veritas founder James O’Keefe. “They didn’t really want the information out there that they were using the HEK cells to do the study. They’re being so deceptive in their emails … they’re just being really deceptive and they’re being careful with their words, and it made me not trust it.”
The first leaked email shown in the report was from Advait Badkar, a Senior Director at Pfizer, asking Gelman how to answer a question about whether Pfizer used a cell line from an aborted fetus when carrying out confirmation tests for the vaccine. Badkar admits in this email that Pfizer had already confirmed that no cell lines from an aborted fetus were used in the “manufacturing process.”
The first reply to Badkar’s question came from Dormitzer, who wrote that there is “an approved answer” to the question about the use of fetal cell lines. He acknowledged that “HEK293T cells” are “ultimately derived from an aborted fetus.”
HEK stands for Human Embryonic Kidney, and 293 is the number of experiments that were needed to obtain the cell line from the kidney of the aborted baby.
Gelman wrote that Pfizer “[has] been trying as much as possible to not mention the fetal cell lines.”
The last sentence of her email said, “The piece in yellow we have tried really hard not to share unless it’s strictly necessary and mission critical.” The sentence highlighted in yellow was, “One or more cell lines with an origin that can be traced back to human fetal tissue has been used in laboratory tests associated with the vaccine program.”
Sarah Weiser, a Principal Scientist at Pfizer also joined the email conversation and asked for clarification about whether the full text should be used in reply to enquiries, including the part highlighted in yellow. In response, Gelman emphasized that the highlighted part should not be included. “No,” she wrote. “I would prefer we do not use the text in yellow [emphasis in original].”
When prompted by O’Keefe to comment on why Pfizer would want to keep that part secret from the public, Strickler replied, “They don’t want to have to deal with people who are upset, because I think people can use religious exemptions for this, and they don’t want that.”
“I think they want nobody to have an excuse to not get it … and they’re denying all religious exemptions at Pfizer,” Strickler added.
Many Christians are opposing the abortion-tainted vaccines and have asked for religious exemptions, which are frequently denied.
The Pfizer employee later expressed shock at the fact that these top executives are “withholding information” that is critical to “people’s approval” of the vaccine and in deciding whether they can “consent or not” to being vaccinated.
“It’s almost like they’re sticking to a script” she said, “when rather they should be making it as clear and easy to understand so that [people] can make informed decisions on this.”
In his email to Badkar, Dormitzer described this tactic as a way to tailor the answer and make it more acceptable for people. “Pfizer’s official statement couches the answer well and is what should be provided in response to an outside inquiry,” he wrote.
In another email, Gelman expressed similar sentiments and stressed the need for “consistency” in communicating information on the vaccine, even at the expense of transparency.
“A lot of people go to medical information, so I would prefer, if possible, [that] we respond with what we have consistently said,” she wrote.
The Senior Director of Medical Communications also argued that Pfizer “wouldn’t like to have any inconsistency out there particularly with information that has been shared with policymakers and the media.”
Strickler then shared her own understanding of Gelman’s email. “What I [understood] from this was ‘we’ve already made a statement; we have to stick to that — we can’t stray because it would make us look bad,’” she said.
In yet another email, Gelman expressed her concerns over potential reactions on social media should this information leak: “I just want to make sure we are responding to a legitimate request and not to a request that may ignite a FB campaign on this that we may ultimately need to manage.”
“They ultimately fear the people on social media knowing this,” commented O’Keefe.
“They want people to take their vaccine,” Strickler agreed.
Another email by Gelman reveals a policy of cover up by Pfizer with Gelman insisting on the need to “avoid having the information on the fetal cells floating out there.”
“We believe that the risk of communicating this right now outweighs any potential benefit we could see, particularly with general members of the public who may take this information and use it in ways we may not want it out there,” she wrote. “We have not received any questions from policy makers or media on this issue in the last few weeks, so we want to avoid raising this if possible.”
Strickler mentioned that she was shocked to see Pfizer was blocking out windows in their manufacturing rooms ahead of a visit by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
“They tell us, ‘Make sure you can be seen at all times for integrity purposes,’’’ said Strickler. “So, when I saw that they were blocking out windows in group lead offices I thought it was odd.”
Strickler also expressed her concerns regarding the fact that Pfizer is trying to obtain FDA approval for vaccination on children, which she said contributed to her decision to expose the cover up.
“It needs to be seen by the people because they’re trying to give this to kids, and if they’re being this deceptive about it, I don’t feel comfortable being silent while they’re trying to give it to babies who can’t talk,” she said.
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