WASHINGTON, March 25, 2003 (LifeSiteNews.com) – The United States Bishop’s conference has released its list of legislative concerns for the 108th U.S. Congress, which recently began its two year session. The extensive list of pro-life legislative concerns reveals a close collaboration with the pro-life movement. The list of some 15 initiatives includes working towards a ban on partial-birth abortion, a cloning ban, and conscience legislation.
Richard M. Doerflinger, Deputy Director of the Secretariat for Pro-Life Activities US Conference of Catholic Bishops told LifeSite that the U.S. Bishops Conference works closely with pro-life groups and is “considered an integral part of the pro-life movement.” Mr. Doerflinger spoke of “frequent meetings” with pro-life leaders and noted that the close collaboration was fostered by the late Cardinal O’Connor.
For the complete list of the USCCB pro-life legislative concerns see: https://www.usccb.org/ogl/prolife.htm