Re: There is a Way to Defeat the Enemies of Life
Dear Editor,
Thanks for the excellent challenge by Steve Jalsevac. He’s right on two fronts. Certainly in the need to combat the pro-death spokespeople who have moved on to other more sinister issues, but also on the pro-life front too. There has been a dearth of solid new thinking for a long time. After a while we pro-lifers also get tired of hearing all the same old arguments.
So it is refreshing to think that maybe we will start to say some new and relevant things.
Can I suggest one line of approach? Demographics. As shown so cleverly by Mark Steyn in his book titled America Alone, the West is in a death spiral. Canada is exhibit A. When Stats Canada reports that we have only been able to keep even because of massive immigration then maybe we have an argument that politicians could hear that is not about the nature of the fetus, but the nature of our whole way of life.
Granted it is so obvious, but the deception that rides in with the culture of death clouds straight-thinking people. I would love to see a full argument made on the effects of de-population, especially in light of middle eastern cultures who understand the power of celebrating children.
Richard Long
Ottawa, Canada
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