
I wish to thank you all for your invaluable services in promoting the culture of life and further inspiring others to do the same. LifeSiteNews is one of my main news sources that I check throughout the day and one which I have encouraged many others to read and support.
  Also, a special mention of thanks to Steve Jalsevac for his insightful four part series “Election Message to Bishops”. As one who promotes the Holy Father’s emphasis on the Sacred Liturgy and writes about its centrality in the life of the Church, I wish to thank Mr. Jalsevac for the suggestion that Bishops need to address and properly ensure the Church’s authorized Liturgy, centred on God, as a priority in strengthening the Church and the culture of life.  This is a message that really needs to be repeated as Pope Benedict XVI has given witness to.
  To further help support the apostolate of LifeSiteNews I am going to make a donation today. May God continue to bless all you do to build the culture of life. A blessed Advent to everyone.
  Deborah Morlani, Ontario, Canada

  Thank you for your wonderful service with its wide variety of news relevant to the pro-life, pro-family movement.  It is a chief news agency for that movement, and greatly appreciated. 

  Edward (Ted)Hewlett, President, British Columbia Parents and Teachers for Life