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Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau Katherine KY Cheng/Getty Images

(LifeSiteNews) — Records show that Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s Liberals approved a guidebook instructing schoolchildren to see a link between bigotry and the Conservative Party. 

According to information obtained July 25 by Blacklock’s Reporter, in 2022 the Liberal’s then-Diversity Minister Ahmed Hussen’s office sanctioned a taxpayer-funded guidebook which taught children to associate mainstream conservatism, including the Conservative Party, with bigotry, and to view the Canadian Red Ensign, the nation’s de facto flag until 1965, as a hate symbol.   

“This new resource will be delivered through workshops in schools across the country and it will help raise awareness with students,” Hussen told reporters at the time, adding that the $268,400 taxpayer-funded book would “teach core values to our kids.”  

The book, written by the Canadian Anti-Hate Network, claimed that conservatives often tolerated bigots and young white nationalists, warning, “They sometimes attempt to infiltrate mainstream Conservative political parties.” 

“In 2020 McMaster University Conservatives were scrutinized for allowing members with overly bigoted beliefs and ties,” the guide said. 

The book further sought to instruct children to oppose their classmates who support politicians with “problematic” views. It also warned that invoking the term “free speech” was among “common defenses of hate propaganda.” 

“Sometimes educators and students will find themselves in the position of requiring an immediate response to a student in class who invokes a bigoted ideology,” it said. 

“While these situations should be treated carefully they need to be addressed as they happen,” it said. “These incidents can range from mild to severe and each will require its own approach depending on the situation. Examples: A student argues in favour of a problematic politician or policy, e.g. Trump’s wall, in a classroom discussion.” 

Additionally, the book taught school children to view the Red Ensign, which was the de facto flag of the nation from the late 1800s to the mid-1960s, as a “hate promoting symbol” comparable with the swastika. 

“Its usage denotes a desire to return to Canada’s demographics before 1967 when it was predominantly white,” the guidebook asserted.   

The pushing of left-wing politics on Canadian students, even at the expense of the desires of parents, seems to have become commonplace in the nation.

In fact, many Ontario school boards have policies requiring teachers and staff withhold students’ private information from parents.     

For example, the province’s largest board, the Toronto District School Board (TDSB), has a policy which states that a student’s permission must be acquired before parents can be informed of their child’s decision to identify as “transgender.”  

“A school should never disclose a student’s gender nonconformity or transgender status to the student’s parent(s)/guardian(s)/caregiver(s) without the student’s explicit prior consent,” the TDSB states in its guidelines.     

Similar policies are in place at school boards across Ontario, including the York Region District School Board, Thames Valley District School Board, and the Hamilton-Wentworth District School Board.    

As LifeSiteNews previously reported, the Kingston-area Limestone District School Board even told staff that they could be disciplined for supporting parental rights, using terms like “boys and girls,” and holding “right wing” views.    

