OTTAWA, August 27, 2003 ( – Liberal MPs opposed to the government's Assisted Human Reproduction Act, Bill C-13, are being approached by senior government leaders to alter their stance against the bill.
Liberal MP Paul Szabo, an expert on the issue of stem cell research who has led the Liberal opposition to the bill, said he was approached by Health Minister Anne McLellan who offered to amend the bill to assure MPs about the ban on cloning. The Globe and Mail reports that MP Pat O'Brien said he was also approached by a senior elected Liberal in June and asked to reconsider his opposition.
Government House Leader Don Boudria expects the C-13 to pass this fall and told the Globe there will be no free vote despite the fact that for many MPs this is a serious conscience matter. However, a senior source with the Liberals told the Globe that the Prime Minister is considering allowing a free vote on the bill.