
OTTAWA, May 7 (LSN) – Representatives of the Liberals, the Conservatives, and the NDP spoke against a parents’ rights motion in the House of Commons on Monday, and the Liberal government shut down debate entirely, by refusing to allow the motion to come to a vote.  MP Garry Breitkreuz (Reform, Yorkton-Melville) proposed a motion recognizing the natural right of parents to direct the upbringing of their children, and the obligation of the State to refrain from interfering in family life and taking over parental authority. The motion, M-33, was motivated by widespread concern about recent anti-family initiatives inspired by the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child—a document which, while not fully ratified in Canada, is nonetheless being implemented by the Canadian government, at the behest of leftist pressure groups.  The Chretien government’s refusal to allow MPs even to vote on the matter is only the latest in a series of increasingly anti-life, anti-family, and anti-democratic maneuvers in recent years. In 1992,  the Liberal Party voted to give its leader absolute power over the process of selecting election candidates, in an obvious move to prevent pro-life Canadians from taking part and having a voice.