
By Steve Jalsevac

  October 2, 2007 ( – The annual Canadian Life Chain took place this past Sunday at hundreds of locations around the country as silent pro-life witnesses held signs along busy streets and prayed that those passing by would consider the reality and harm of abortion. Next Sunday, Oct. 7 Life Chain will take place across the United States.

In many locations participants have once again reported surprisingly strong support from passersby who honked their horns or gave a thumbs up to the supposedly politically incorrect message on the Life Chain signs. In Toronto such support was especially noticeable in regions with high levels of recent immigrants who still treasure family life and moral principles.

Groups in Scarborough and East Toronto were astonished to see a cheering 94 year-old Fr. Ted Colleton slowly pass by in a van driven by Campaign Life Coalition president Jim Hughes.

  The usual periodic thumbs down and unpleasant utterances from pro-abortion drivers and passengers were generally well outnumbered by either supporters or, more important, by the many drivers and vehicle occupants seen to be thoughtfully pondering the rarely seen truth on the continuous row of signs held by the pro-life contingents. In the busy larger cities many thousands of people were exposed to the signs and prayerful witnesses of all ages during the one hour event.

LifeSiteNews will report further on Sunday’s Life Chain as more specific reports and numbers come in to Life Chain Canada headquarters.