Catholic World News reports today that a proposed ban on partial-birth abortions was not approved by Maine voters in a state referendum on Tuesday. The media allowed pro-abortion ads but refused pro-life ads. As well, abortion advocates and their supporters misrepresented the implications of the ban to the voters. (EWTN)
Pro-Life Info-Net reported today that CBS’ “Early Show” with Bryant Gumbel on Monday slammed actor Mel Gibson’s Pro-Life Views. Gibson defended his pro-life views saying “I’m pretty firm on stuff like that. I don’t feel like I’m howling in a hurricane. I just try to do my bit the way I think it should be done.” Gumbel commented on Gibson’s pro-life comments saying “he’s said some pretty outrageous things over the years and nobody seems to ever call him on it.”
Conservative News Service reports that a Muslim leader in Britain has issued a fatwa or death warrant against the producer of a play depicting Jesus as a homosexual. Terence McNally’s play “Corpus Christi” began its London season Thursday. Despite a Catholic protest the Muslim leader was shocked and dismayed that Christians did not come out more strongly against the production. Muslim’s consider Jesus a prophet.
WorldNetDailly reports that the Kyoto meeting in Bonn Germany is discussing new restrictions on private land ownership beyond wetlands and heritage lands. The UN now may designate some areas as “Kyoto lands” which apparently are lands which work as a “carbon sink” to absorb carbon dioxide.
The esteemed British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) has confirmation from the Australian government of the existence of “a global spying network that can eavesdrop on every single phone call, fax or e-mail, anywhere on the planet.”
Conservative News Service reported that just days after Britain’s House of Lords ruled that homosexuals should enjoy the same tenancy rights as married couples, the country’s Law Commission said Tuesday homosexuals should be able to claim damages for accidental death of a breadwinning partner. Additionally the Labor government says it plans to scrap at the earliest opportunity a law that makes it illegal for local councils and schools to “intentionally promote homosexuality.”
Wired Magazine reports that America Online, the world’s largest ISP, will be meeting with pro-homosexual activist groups on 9 November, but will not reveal exactly who is invited or what issues will be discussed. The announcement of the meeting comes after homosexual groups took AOL to task for having removed a member for using an obscene name.