
Medical history was made at King’s College Hospital in London England where triplets were successfully delivered in a situation in which one of the babies had developed inside the mother’s fallopian tube. 

Lin Li Juen, one of the illegal immigrants arriving by boat on BC's shore, was carrying papers attesting to a forced abortion.  (National Post)

The Toronto Film Festival might more appropriately be called the Toronto Smut Festival given the preponderance of sex films.  (National Post)

The US State Department issued its first report on global religious liberty Thursday. The 1,000 page report detailed suppression in China, religious killings in Sudan and persecution in Muslim states.  (Washington Times)

The Irish government has released its Green Paper on abortion. It contains no promise of a referendum, but one is nevertheless expected by many Irish.  (Belfast Telegraph)

Nationally syndicated columnist Linda Bowles wrote an article for WorldNetDaily Tuesday which vividly describes the excessive force used during the Waco siege and in which she provides compelling evidence that “the (Waco) attack was authorized by President Clinton and ordered by Attorney General Reno.”  (WorldNetDaily)