Mike Harris’ Ontario Government instituted a new policy yesterday guaranteeing new mothers at least a 60 hour stay in hospital after giving birth, if they so desire. (Canoe.ca)
The Conservative News Service reports today on probable splintering of mainline Protestant churches over homosexual ordination and acceptance of homosexuality. The report covers the conflict among Anglicans, Episcopalians and Evangelical Lutherans.
Senator Bob Smith who quit the Republican Party last month saying they were no longer pro- life, has given up his bid for the presidential nomination of the US Taxpayers Party and may end his presidential quest altogether due concerns over his wife’s health. (LA Times)
Pro-lifers in Wisconsin hailed another victory Tuesday when a court ruled that abortion mills must offer women the chance to hear their baby’s heartbeat and see ultrasound images before going ahead with their abortions. (Milwaukee Journal Sentinal)